or 英 [ɔ:(r)]   美 [ɔr]


or  英 [ɔ:(r)] 美 [ɔr]

conj. 或,或者;还是;要不然 


left or right? 左还是右?
Are you coming or not? 你来还是不来?

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  • conj. 或,或者;还是;要不然
  • 1. left or right?


  • 2. Are you coming or not?


  • 3. He can't read or write.


  • 4. Are you against it or for it?


  • 5. Turn the heat down or it'll burn.


or / ɔː(r) ; NAmE ɔːr / conjunction 1 used to introduce another possibility (用以引出另一种可能性)或,或者,还是 Is your sister older or younger than you? 你的姐妹比你大还是小? Are you coming or not? 你来还是不来? Is it a boy or a girl? 是个男孩还是女孩? It can be black, white or grey. 它可能是黑的、白的或灰的。 compare either… or… at either adv.  (3 ) 2 used in negative sentences when mentioning two or more things (用于否定句,提出两种或多种事物时)也不 He can't read or write. 他不会读,不会写。 There are people without homes, jobs or family. 有人既无房屋,又无工作,又无家庭。 compare neither… nor… at neither adv.  (2 ) 3 ( also or else ) used to warn or advise sb that sth bad could happen; otherwise (用于警告或忠告)否则,不然 Turn the heat down or it'll burn. 把炉火开小一些,不然就烧焦了。 4 used between two numbers to show approximately how many (用于两个数字之间表示约略数目)大约 There were six or seven of us there. 我们约有六、七个人在场。 5 used to introduce a word or phrase that explains or means the same as another (用于引出解释性词语)或者说 geology, or the science of the earth's crust 地质学,或者说地壳的科学 It weighs a kilo, or just over two pounds. 这东西重一公斤,或者说两磅多一点儿。 6 used to say why sth must be true (用于说明原因)不然,否则 He must like her, or he wouldn't keep calling her. 他一定喜欢她,不然他不会老给她打电话。 7 used to introduce a contrasting idea (用于引出对比的概念) He was lying—or was he? 他在说谎,还是没有说谎? IDIOMS or so about 大约 It'll cost €100 or so. 这大约要花 100 欧元。 or somebody/something/somewhere | somebody/something/somewhere or other ( informal) used when you are not exactly sure about a person, thing or place (表示对人、事、地点不太有把握) He's a factory supervisor or something. 他是工厂监督一类的人吧。 ‘Who said so?’ ‘Oh, somebody or other. I can't remember who it was.’ “这是谁说的?”“啊,某一个人吧,我记不清是谁了。” or / ɔː(r) ; NAmE ɔːr /
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