nose 英 [nəʊz]   美 [noʊz]


nose  英 [nəʊz] 美 [noʊz]

n. 鼻子; 

进行时:nosing  过去式:nosed  过去分词:nosed  第三人称单数:noses  名词复数:noses 

He broke his nose in the fight. 他打架时打断了鼻梁。
a dog with a good nose 嗅觉灵敏的狗

  • Your nose is the body part sticking out of your face (not that pimple, the pointy feature with two nostrils used for smelling).
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  • n. 鼻子;
  • 1. He broke his nose in the fight.


  • 2. a dog with a good nose


  • nose (n.) Old English nosu, from Proto-Germanic *nusus (source also of Old Norse nös, Old Frisian nose, Dutch neus, Old High German nasa, German Nase), from PIE root *nas- "nose." Used of any prominent or projecting part from 1530s. (nose cone in the space rocket sense is from 1949). Used to indicate "something obvious" from 1590s. Meaning "odor, scent" is from 1894.
  • nose (v.) "perceive the smell of," 1570s; "pry, search," 1640s, from nose (n.). Related: Nosed; nosing.
nose / nəʊz ; NAmE noʊz / noun , verb nose noses nosed nosing noun 1 [countable ] the part of the face that sticks out above the mouth, used for breathing and smelling things 鼻;鼻子 He broke his nose in the fight. 他打架时打断了鼻梁。 She wrinkled her nose in disgust. 她厌恶地皱起鼻子。 He blew his nose (= cleared it by blowing strongly into a handkerchief). 他擤了擤鼻子。 a blocked/runny nose 堵塞的╱流鼻涕的鼻子 Stop picking your nose! (= removing dirt from it with your finger) 别抠鼻孔了! collocationsat physical see also nasal  (1 ) , parson's nose , Roman nose 2 -nosed ( in adjectives 构成形容词 ) having the type of nosementioned 有…鼻子的 red-nosed 红鼻子的 large-nosed 大鼻子的 see also hard-nosed , toffee-nosed 3 [countable ] the front part of a plane, spacecraft,etc. (飞机、太空船等的)头部,头锥 4 [singular ] a nosefor sth a special ability for finding or recognizing sth 发现(或辨别)事物的能力;嗅觉 SYN instinct As a journalist, she has always had a nose for a good story. 作为一名记者,她总是能够捕捉到好新闻。 5 [singular ] a sense of smell 嗅觉 a dog with a good nose 嗅觉灵敏的狗 6 [singular ] (of wine 葡萄酒 ) a characteristic smell 特有的气味 SYN bouquet IDIOMS cut off your nose to spite your ˈface ( informal) to do sth when you are angry that is meant to harm sb else but which also harms you (恼怒之下)伤人害己,损人不利己 get up sb's ˈnose ( BrE) ( informal) to annoy sb 烦扰 have your nose in ˈsth ( informal) to be reading sth and giving it all your attention 专心致志地(阅读) have a nose ˈround ( BrE) ( informal) to look around a place; to look for sth in a place 环视(某地);在(某地)寻找 keep your ˈnose clean ( informal) to avoid doing anything wrong or illegal 循规蹈矩;不做违法的事 Since leaving prison, he's managed to keep his nose clean. 自从出狱以来,他已做到规规矩矩。 keep your nose out of sth to try not to become involved in things that do not concern you 避免插手(他人的事);尽力不卷入(或介入) keep your nose to the ˈgrindstone ( informal) to work hard for a long period of time without stopping 连续辛勤地工作 look down your ˈnose at sb/sth ( informal) ( especially BrE) to behave in a way that suggests that you think that you are better than sb or that sth is not good enough for you 对…不屑一顾;蔑视 SYN look down on ˌnose to ˈtail ( BrE) if cars, etc. are nose to tail,they are moving slowly in a long line with little space between them (汽车等)首尾相连(缓缓行进) on the ˈnose ( informal) ( especially NAmE) exactly 准确地;确切地 The budget should hit the $136 billion target on the nose. 预算应该正好达到 1 360 亿元的目标。 poke/stick your nose into ˈsth ( informal) to try to become involved in sth that does not concern you 多管闲事;插手(与己无关的事) put sb's ˈnose out of joint ( informal) to upset or annoy sb, especially by not giving them enough attention (冷落)使难堪;惹恼 turn your ˈnose up at sth ( informal) to refuse sth, especially because you do not think that it is good enough for you 拒绝;看不上;看不起 under sb's ˈnose ( informal) 1 if sth is under sb's nose,it is very close to them but they cannot see it 就在某人面前(却看不见) I searched everywhere for the letter and it was under my nose all the time! 我到处找这封信,可它一直就在我面前。 2 if sth happens under sb's nose,they do not notice it even though it is not being done secretly 当着某人的面,就在某人眼皮底下(却没有被察觉) The police didn't know the drugs ring was operating right under their noses. 警方不知道贩毒集团就在他们的眼皮底下运作。 with your nose in the air ( informal) in a way that is unfriendly and suggests that you think that you are better than other people 傲慢;看不起人;鼻孔朝天,自高自大 more at follow , lead 1 v. , pay v. , plain adj. , powder v. , rub v. , skin n. , thumb v. verb 1 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to move forward slowly and carefully 小心翼翼地向前移动 + adv./prep. The plane nosed down through the thick clouds. 飞机穿透厚厚的云层慢慢向下降落。 noseyour way + adv./prep. The taxi nosed its way back into the traffic. 出租车慢慢地汇入车流。 2 [intransitive ] + adv./prep. (of an animal 动物 ) to search for sth or push sth with its nose (用鼻子)嗅,拱,顶 Dogs nosed around in piles of refuse. 一群狗在垃圾堆上嗅来嗅去。 PHRASAL VERBS ˌnose aˈbout/aˈround (for sth) to look for sth, especially information about sb 探查;打探;搜寻 SYN poke about/around We found a man nosing around in our backyard. 我们发现有个人在我们后院里找什么东西。 ˌnose sth↔ˈout ( informal) to discover information about sb/sth by searching for it 侦察出;打探出;查出 Reporters nosed out all the details of the affair. 记者们打探出了这件事情的所有细节。 nose / nəʊz ; NAmE noʊz /
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