noon 英 [nu:n]   美 [nun]


noon  英 [nu:n] 美 [nun]

n. 中午;正午;全盛期 


They went out at noon. 他们在中午出去了。
We should be there by noon. 我们应该最晚中午到达。

  • Noon is twelve o'clock in the middle of the day. Many people sit down to eat lunch right at noon.
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  • n. 中午;正午;全盛期
  • 1. They went out at noon.


  • 2. We should be there by noon.


  • noon (n.) mid-12c., non "midday, 12 o'clock p.m., midday meal," from Old English non "3 o'clock p.m., the ninth hour," also "the canonical hour of nones," from Latin nona hora "ninth hour" of daylight, by Roman reckoning about 3 p.m., from nona, fem. singular of nonus "ninth" (see nones).
noon / nuːn ; NAmE nuːn / noun [uncountable ] 12 o'clock in the middle of the day 正午;中午 SYN midday We should be there by noon. 我们应该最晚中午到达。 The conference opens at 12 noon on Saturday. 这次会议在星期六中午 12 点开幕。 the noon deadline for the end of hostilities 中午结束敌对状态这一最后期限 I'm leaving on the noon train. 我坐中午的火车走。 the glaring light of high noon 正午眩目的阳光 IDIOMsee morning noon noons noon / nuːn ; NAmE nuːn /
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