nest egg 英 [nest eɡ]   美 [nɛst ɛɡ]

nest egg

nest egg  英 [nest eɡ] 美 [nɛst ɛɡ]

phrase. 储蓄金,储备金(为养老或应变等用) 

名词复数:nest eggs 

With contributions from family, friends and government matching funds, an individual could amass a nest egg of hundreds of thousands of dollars. 通过来自家人,朋友筹集和政府配给的基金,每一位残疾人便可获得上千美元的储蓄金。
You don't have to live like a pauper to build an adequate nest egg and retire comfortably. 为了积攒足够的养老钱和舒舒服服的退休,你没有必要像个流浪汉一样生活。

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  • phrase. 储蓄金,储备金(为养老或应变等用)
  • 1. With contributions from family, friends and government matching funds, an individual could amass a nest egg of hundreds of thousands of dollars.


  • 2. You don't have to live like a pauper to build an adequate nest egg and retire comfortably.


  • 3. If you're a younger worker, I believe you should be able to set aside part of that money in your own retirement account, so you can build a nest egg for your own future.


ˈnest egg / ; NAmE / noun ( informal) a sum of money that you save to use in the future 备用的钱;储备金 nest egg nest eggs ˈnest egg / ; NAmE /
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