method 英 [ˈmeθəd]   美 [ˈmɛθəd]


method  英 [ˈmeθəd] 美 [ˈmɛθəd]

n. 方法 


a reliable method of data analysis 可靠的数据分析方法
a new method of solving the problem 解决问题的新方法

  • There's a certain way of doing things. A systematic, logical process for accomplishing a task. And it's called a method.
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  • n. 方法
  • 1. a reliable method of data analysis


  • 2. a new method of solving the problem


  • 3. traditional methods,alternative methods


  • method (n.) early 15c., "regular, systematic treatment of disease," from Latin methodus "way of teaching or going," from Greek methodos "scientific inquiry, method of inquiry, investigation," originally "pursuit, a following after," from meta "in pursuit or quest of" (see meta-) + hodos "a method, system; a way or manner" (of doing, saying, etc.), also "a traveling, journey," literally "a path, track, road," a word of uncertain origin (see Exodus). Meaning "way of doing anything" is from 1580s; that of "orderliness, regularity" is from 1610s. In reference to a theory of acting associated with Russian director Konstantin Stanislavsky, it is attested from 1923.
method AWL / ˈmeθəd ; NAmE ˈmeθəd / noun 1 [countable ] a particular way of doing sth 方法;办法;措施 method(of sth) a reliable/effective/scientific methodof data analysis 可靠的╱有效的╱科学的数据分析方法 method(of doing sth) a new method of solving the problem 解决问题的新方法 traditional/alternative methods 传统的╱另类的方式 method(for sth/for doing sth) the best method for arriving at an accurate prediction of the costs 准确预测成本的最佳方法 see also direct method 2 [uncountable ] the quality of being well planned and organized 条理;有条不紊 IDIOM there's (a) method in sb's madness there is a reason for sb's behaviour and it is not as strange or as stupid as it seems 看来奇怪(或愚蠢)的行为有其道理 method methods method / ˈmeθəd ; NAmE ˈmeθəd /
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