membrane 英 [ˈmembreɪn]   美 [ˈmɛmˌbren]


membrane  英 [ˈmembreɪn] 美 [ˈmɛmˌbren]

n. 膜;薄膜;羊皮纸 


So now in my box I have my partition, my membrane here. 所以现在在盒子里有隔板,在这里有薄膜。
Now, if the membrane is strong enough, at some point it may not burst. 那么,如果膜足够强韧,在某种程度上它或许不会爆裂。

  • A membrane is a thin layer of something. For an example of a membrane, you don’t have to look far: your skin is a kind of membrane.
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  • n. 膜;薄膜;羊皮纸
  • 1. So now in my box I have my partition, my membrane here.


  • 2. Now, if the membrane is strong enough, at some point it may not burst.


  • 3. It means that if I have a biological cell, or some container with a membrane through which one of the constituents might pass.


  • membrane (n.) early 15c., "thin layer of skin or tissue," a term in anatomy, from Latin membrana "a skin, membrane; parchment (skin prepared for writing)," from membrum "limb, member of the body" (see member). The etymological sense is "that which covers the members of the body."
mem·brane / ˈmembreɪn ; NAmE ˈmembreɪn / noun [countable ,  uncountable ] 1 a thin layer of skin or tissuethat connects or covers parts inside the body (身体内的)膜 see also mucous membrane 2 a very thin layer found in the structure of cells in plants (植物的)细胞膜 3 a thin layer of material used to prevent air, liquid, etc. from entering a particular part of sth (可起防水、防风等作用的)膜状物 a waterproof membrane 防水薄膜 mem·bran·ous / ˈmembrənəs ; NAmE ˈmembrənəs / adjective membrane membranes mem·brane / ˈmembreɪn ; NAmE ˈmembreɪn / mem·bran·ous / ˈmembrənəs ; NAmE ˈmembrənəs /
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