locus 英 [ˈləʊkəs]   美 [ˈloʊkəs]


locus  英 [ˈləʊkəs] 美 [ˈloʊkəs]

n. [数] 轨迹;地点,所在地 


India, too, is becoming an economic powerhouse and a major locus of manufacturing; it will likely be the third largest economy in the world. 印度也将成为经济大国以及主要的制造业所在地;它将可能成为世界第三大经济体。
It will be the locus of our course. 这将是我们这门课的核心

  • The center or source of something is known as the locus. A shopping mall is usually a locus for teenagers.
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  • n. [数] 轨迹;地点,所在地
  • 1. India, too, is becoming an economic powerhouse and a major locus of manufacturing; it will likely be the third largest economy in the world.


  • 2. It will be the locus of our course.


  • 3. They may attend classes for only a period a day, to work strictly on English skills, or attend for a full day and locus both on academics and English.

    他们可能每天只有一节英语课,也可能有整整一天的课来学习英语和其它学科。 这种模式称之为:英语作为第二语言模式。

  • locus (n.) (plural loci), 1715, "place, spot, locality," from Latin locus "a place, spot; appointed place, position; locality, region, country; degree, rank, order; topic, subject," from Old Latin stlocus, a word of uncertain origin. Used by Latin writers for Greek topos. Mathematical sense by 1750.
locus / ˈləʊkəs ; NAmE ˈloʊkəs / noun ( plural loci / ˈləʊsaɪ ; NAmE ˈloʊsaɪ / ) ( technical 术语 or formal) the exact place where sth happens or which is thought to be the centre of sth (某事发生的)确切地点;(被视为某物的)中心,核心 locus loci locus / ˈləʊkəs ; NAmE ˈloʊkəs / loci / ˈləʊsaɪ ; NAmE ˈloʊsaɪ /
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