legacy 英 [ˈlegəsi]   美 [ˈlɛɡəsi]


legacy  英 [ˈlegəsi] 美 [ˈlɛɡəsi]

n. 遗赠,遗产 


One proviso is attached to this legacy. 这个遗赠附带一项限制性条款。
These books are his legacy to the college. 这些书籍是他给学院的遗赠。

  • Use the word, legacy, for something handed down from one generation to the next. A retiring company president might leave a legacy of honesty and integrity.
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  • n. 遗赠,遗产
  • 1. One proviso is attached to this legacy.


  • 2. These books are his legacy to the college.


  • 3. We are the keepers of this legacy.


  • legacy (n.) late 14c., legacie, "body of persons sent on a mission," from Medieval Latin legatia, from Latin legatus "ambassador, envoy, deputy," noun use of past participle of legare "send with a commission, appoint as deputy, appoint by a last will" (see legate).
leg·acy / ˈleɡəsi ; NAmE ˈleɡəsi / noun , adjective legacy legacies noun ( plural leg·acies ) 1 money or property that is given to you by sb when they die 遗产;遗赠财物 SYN inheritance They each received a legacy of $5 000. 他们每人得到了 5 000 元的遗产。 2 a situation that exists now because of events, actions, etc. that took place in the past 遗留问题;后遗症 Future generations will be left with a legacy of pollution and destruction. 留给子孙后代的将是环境的污染与破坏。 adjective [only before noun ] used to describe a computer system or product that is no longer available to buy but is still used because it would be too difficult or expensive to replace it (计算机系统或产品)已停产的,老化的,老式的 How can we integrate new technology with our legacy systems? 我们该如何将新技术整合到我们老化的系统上? legacy hardware/software 老式硬件/软件 leg·acy / ˈleɡəsi ; NAmE ˈleɡəsi /
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