keep 英 [ki:p]   美 [kip]


keep  英 [ki:p] 美 [kip]

v. 保持;经营;遵守;饲养  n. 保持; 

进行时:keeping  过去式:kept  过去分词:kept  第三人称单数:keeps  名词复数:keeps 

keep the rat as a pet 留着耗子当宠物
Keep smiling! 要保持笑容!

  • To keep means to have and hold on to something — like to keep your wallet in your pocket. It also means to continue; if you keep hula hooping you’ll break the world record!
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  • v. 保持;经营;遵守;饲养
  • n. 保持;
  • 1. keep the rat as a pet


  • 2. Keep smiling!


  • 3. Can you keep a secret?


  • 4. We get together to keep warm.


  • 5. Please keep me a seat.


  • 6. Please keep a seat for me.


  • 7. Her father kept a grocer's shop.


  • 8. I'm very sorry to keep you waiting.


  • 9. Keep your passport in a safe place.


  • 10. Here's a five dollar bill—please keep the change.


  • keep (n.) mid-13c., "care or heed in watching," from keep (v.). Meaning "innermost stronghold or central tower of a castle" is from 1580s; OED says this is perhaps a translation of Italian tenazza, the notion being "that which keeps" (someone or something). The sense of "food required to keep a person or animal" is attested from 1801 (to earn (one's) keep is from 1885). For keeps "completely, for good" is American English colloquial, from 1861, probably from the notion of keeping one's winnings in games such as marbles.
  • keep (v.) late Old English cepan (past tense cepte) "to seize, hold; seek after, desire," also "to observe or carry out in practice; look out for, regard, pay attention to," from Proto-Germanic *kopjan, which is of uncertain origin.
keep / kiːp ; NAmE kiːp / verb , noun keep keeps kept keeping verb ( kept , kept / kept ; NAmE kept / ) stay 保持 1 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to stay in a particular condition or position; to make sb/sth do this (使)保持,处于 + adj. We huddled together to keep warm. 我们挤在一起来保暖。 + adv./prep. The notice said ‘Keep off (= Do not walk on)the grass’. 牌子上写着“勿践踏草地”。 Keep left along the wall. 沿着墙靠左边走。 keepsb/sth + adj. She kept the children amused for hours. 她陪孩子们玩了好几个小时。 keepsb/sth (+ adv./prep.) He kept his coat on. 他一直穿着大衣。 Don't keep us in suspense—what happened next? 别跟我们卖关子了,接下来发生了什么事? She had trouble keeping her balance. 她保持平衡有困难。 keepsb/sth doing sth I'm very sorry to keep you waiting. 对不起,让你久等了。 continue 继续 2 [intransitive ] to continue doing sth; to do sth repeatedly 继续,重复(做某事) keepdoing sth Keep smiling! 要保持笑容! keepon doing sth Don't keep on interrupting me! 别老是跟我打岔! delay 耽搁 3 [transitive ] keepsb to delay sb 使耽搁;使延误 SYN hold sb up You're an hour late—what kept you? 你晚了一小时,什么事把你给耽误了? not give back 不退还 4 [transitive ] keepsth to continue to have sth and not give it back or throw it away 保有;留着;不退还 Here's a five dollar bill—please keep the change. 给你一张五元的钞票,零钱就不用找了。 I keep all her letters. 我把她所有的信都保留着。 save for sb 为某人保留 5 [transitive ] ( especially BrE) to save sth for sb (为某人)保留,留下 keepsth for sb Please keep a seat for me. 请给我留个座位。 keepsb sth Please keep me a seat. 请给我留个座位。 put/store 放;存放 6 [transitive ] keepsth + adv./prep. to put or store sth in a particular place 放,存放,贮存(在某处) Keep your passport in a safe place. 把你的护照放在安全的地方。 shop/restaurant 商店;餐馆 7 [transitive ] keepsth ( especially BrE) to own and manage a shop/store or restaurant 开设,经营,管理(商店或餐馆) Her father kept a grocer's shop. 她父亲开了个杂货店。 animals 动物 8 [transitive ] keepsth to own and care for animals 养;饲养 to keep bees/goats/hens 养蜜蜂╱山羊╱母鸡 about health 健康 9 [intransitive ] + adv./prep. ( informal) used to ask or talk about sb's health (询问或谈论某人的健康) How isyour mother keeping? 你母亲身体好吗? We're all keeping well. 我们都很健康。 of food 食物 10 [intransitive ] to remain in good condition 保持不坏 Finish off the pie—it won't keep. 把馅饼都吃了吧,这东西不耐放。 ( informal, figurative) ‘I'd love to hear about it, but I'm late already.’ ‘That's OK— it'll keep (= I can tell you about it later). “我很想听听,不过我已经迟到了。”“好吧,我以后再告诉你。” secret 秘密 11 [transitive ] ~ a secret | ~ sth secret (from sb) to know sth and not tell it to anyone 保守(秘密) Can you keep a secret? 你能保守秘密吗? She kept her past secret from us all. 她对我们所有人都避而不谈她的过去。 promise/appointment 承诺;约会 12 [transitive ] ~ your promise/word | ~ an appointment to do what you have promised to do; to go where you have agreed to go 遵守;笃守;恪守 She kept her promise to visit them. 她遵守诺言去看望了他们。 He failed to keep his appointment at the clinic. 他未能按预约的时间去诊所。 diary/record 日记;记录 13 [transitive ] ~ a diary, an account, a record, etc. to write down sth as a record 记下,记录,记载(日记、账目、记录等) She kept a diary for over twenty years. 她记了二十多年的日记。 Keep a note of where each item can be found. 把每样物品的位置记录下来。 support sb 供养 14 [transitive ] keepsb/yourself to provide what is necessary for sb to live; to support sb by paying for food, etc. 供养;养活 He scarcely earns enough to keep himself and his family. 他挣的钱几乎不够养活他自己和家人。 protect 保护 15 [transitive ] ( formal) to protect sb from sth 保护;使免受 keepsb May the Lord bless you and keep you (= used in prayers in the Christian Church). 愿上帝祝福你、保祐你(用于基督教的祈祷)。 keepsb from sth His only thought was to keep the boy from harm. 他一心想的就是不要让这男孩受到伤害。 in sport 体育运动 16 [transitive ] ~ goal/wicket ( BrE) (in football ( soccer), hockey, cricket,etc. 足球、曲棍球、板球等 ) to guard or protect the goal or wicket 守门;把守球门 see also goalkeeper , wicketkeeper IDIOMS Most idioms containing keepare at the entries for the nouns and adjectives in the idioms, for example keep houseis at house. 大多数含 keep 的习语,都可在该等习语中的名词及形容词相关词条找到,如 keep house 在词条 house 下。 ˌkeep ˈgoing 1 to make an effort to live normally when you are in a difficult situation or when you have experienced great suffering (在身处困境或遭难时)尽力维持下去,坚持活下去 You just have to keep yourself busy and keep going. 你只要让自己忙起来,就能坚持下去。 2 ( informal) used to encourage sb to continue doing sth (用于鼓励)继续下去,坚持下去 Keep going, Sarah, you're nearly there. 坚持下去,萨拉,你已经快到了。 ˌkeep sb ˈgoing ( informal) to be enough for sb until they get what they are waiting for 足以使某人维持(或支撑) Have an apple to keep you going till dinner time. 吃个苹果就能捱到吃晚饭了。 PHRASAL VERBS ˌkeep sb ˈafter ( NAmE) ( BrE ˌkeep sb↔ˈback ) to make a student stay at school after normal hours as a punishment 罚(学生)课后留校 ˌkeep ˈat sth to continue working at sth 继续做某事(或坚持干) Come on, keep at it, you've nearly finished! 快,要坚持,你马上就要完成了! ˌkeep sb ˈat sth to make sb continue working at sth 使某人继续做(或坚持干)某事 He kept us at it all day. 他让我们不停地干了一天。 ˌkeep aˈway (from sb/sth) to avoid going near sb/sth 避免接近;远离;勿靠近 Keep away from the edge of the cliff. 切莫靠近悬崖边。 ˌkeep sb/sth aˈway (from sb/sth) to prevent sb/sth from going somewhere 不让接近某人(或某事物);使离开 Her illness kept her away from work for several weeks. 她病得好几周都上不了班。 ˌkeep ˈback (from sb/sth) to stay at a distance from sb/sth (与…)保持距离 Keep well back from the road. 离公路远些。 ˌkeep sb↔ˈback 1 ( BrE) ( NAmE ˌkeep sb ˈafter ) to make a student stay at school after normal hours as a punishment 罚(学生)课后留校 2 ( NAmE) to make a student repeat a year at school because of poor marks/grades 使(学生)留级 ˌkeep sb↔ˈback (from sb/sth) to make sb stay at a distance from sb/sth 使某人(与…)保持距离 Barricades were erected to keep back the crowds. 设置了障碍,使人群无法靠近。 ˌkeep sth↔ˈback 1 to prevent a feeling, etc. from being expressed 抑制(或阻止)感情等的流露 SYN restrain She was unable to keep back her tears. 她无法忍住泪水。 2 to continue to have a part of sth 保留(或扣留)某物的一部份 He kept back half the money for himself. 他把那笔钱留了一半给自己。 ˌkeep sth↔ˈback (from sb) to refuse to tell sb sth 拒绝告知某事;隐瞒 I'm sure she's keeping something back from us. 我肯定她有什么事瞒着我们。 ˌkeep ˈdown to hide yourself by not standing up straight 隐蔽;隐伏;卧倒;蹲下 Keep down! You mustn't let anyone see you. 蹲下!千万不要让人看见你。 ˌkeep sb↔ˈdown to prevent a person, group, etc. from expressing themselves freely 压制(或限制、控制)某人 SYN oppress The people have been kept down for years by a brutal regime. 多年来人们一直受到残暴统治的压制。 ˌkeep sth↔ˈdown 1 to make sth stay at a low level; to avoid increasing sth 使保持在低水平;抑制某事物的增长 to keep down wages/prices/the cost of living 保持低工资╱物价╱生活费用 Keep your voice down—I don't want anyone else to hear. 小声点,别让人听见。 Keep the noise down (= be quiet). 小声点儿。 2 to not bring sth back through the mouth from the stomach; to not vomit 不使(胃中食物)吐出;不呕吐 She's had some water but she can't keep any food down. 她喝了点儿水,但什么食物都吃了就吐。 ˈkeep from sth | ˈkeep yourself from sth to prevent yourself from doing sth 忍住(或克制自己)不做某事 keepdoing sth She could hardly keep from laughing. 她差一点儿笑了出来。 I just managed to keep myself from falling. 我差一点儿没摔倒。 ˈkeep sb from sth to prevent sb from doing sth 阻止(或防止、阻碍)某人做某事 I hope I'm not keeping you from your work. 希望我没有妨碍你工作。 keepdoing sth The church bells keep me from sleeping. 教堂的钟声使我不能入睡。 ˈkeep sth from sb to avoid telling sb sth 不将某事告诉某人;瞒着某人 I think we ought to keep the truth from him until he's better. 我想我们应该等他身体好些再告诉他实情。 ˈkeep sth from sth to make sth stay out of sth 使置于某物之外;使与某物分开 She could not keep the dismay from her voice. 她无法使自己沉重的心情不流露在话音之中。 ˌkeep ˈin with sb ( BrE) ( informal) to make sure that you stay friendly with sb, because you will get an advantage from doing so (为得到好处而)与某人友好相处,不得罪某人 ˌkeep sth↔ˈin to avoid expressing an emotion 控制(或抑制)感情 SYN restrain He could scarcely keep in his indignation. 他几乎控制不住自己的愤怒。 ˌkeep sb ˈin to make sb stay indoors or in a particular place 使某人留在室内(或某地);使不外出 ˈkeep sb/yourself in sth to provide sb/yourself with a regular supply of sth 向某人持续供应某物 ˌkeep ˈoff if rain, snow, etc. keeps off,it does not fall (雨、雪等)未下 ˌkeep ˈoff sth 1 to avoid eating, drinking or smoking sth 避免吃(或喝、吸)某物 I'm trying to keep off fatty foods. 我尽量不吃高脂肪食物。 2 to avoid mentioning a particular subject 回避某话题 It's best to keep off politics when my father's around. 我父亲在场时最好不要谈论政治。 ˌkeep sb/sth↔ˈoff | ˌkeep sb/sth ˈoff sb/sth to prevent sb/sth from coming near, touching, etc. sb/sth 使…不接近(或不接触、远离)某人╱事物 They lit a fire to keep off wild animals. 他们点燃篝火防止野兽靠近。 Keep your hands off (= do not touch)me! 别碰我! ˌkeep ˈon to continue 继续 Keep on until you get to the church. 一直往前走到教堂。 ˌkeep sb↔ˈon to continue to employ sb 继续雇用某人 ˌkeep sth ˈon to continue to rent a house, flat/apartment, etc. 继续租用房子(或套房等) ˌkeep ˈon (at sb) (about sb/sth) ( especially BrE) to speak to sb often and in an annoying way about sb/sth (对…)纠缠不休;老是困扰;老是唠叨 SYN go on SYN nag He does keep on so! 他就是这样纠缠不休! I'll do it—just don't keep on at me about it! 我会做的,就别再对我唠叨了! ˌkeep ˈout (of sth) to not enter a place; to stay outside 不进入;留在外面 The sign said ‘Private Property—Keep Out!’ 告示牌上写着“私人产业,不得入内!” ˌkeep sb/sth↔ˈout (of sth) to prevent sb/sth from entering a place 使不进入;防止进入;把…关在外面 Keep that dog out of my study! 别让那狗进我的书房! ˌkeep ˈout of sth | ˌkeep sb ˈout of sth to avoid sth; to prevent sb from being involved in sth or affected by sth 避免某事;使不卷入某事;使置身于…之外;使不受…的影响 That child can't keep out of mischief. 那孩子避不开别人的戏弄。 Keep the baby out of the sun. 别让孩子晒着。 ˈkeep to sth 1 to avoid leaving a path, road, etc. 不偏离(或不离开)道路等 SYN stick to sth Keep to the track—the land is very boggy around here. 顺着道儿走,这一带到处是沼泽地。 2 to talk or write only about the subject that you are supposed to talk or write about 不偏离主题;不跑题 Nothing is more irritating than people who do not keep to the point. 最烦人的就是那些谈话不着边际的人。 3 to do what you have promised or agreed to do 遵守(或信守、履行)诺言 to keep to an agreement/an undertaking/a plan 遵守协议;信守承诺;执行计划 4 to stay in and not leave a particular place or position 坚守,不离开(某地或某个位置) She's nearly 90 and mostly keeps to her room. 她快 90 岁了,大部份时间都待在房间里。 ˌkeep (yourself) to yourˈself to avoid meeting people socially or becoming involved in their affairs 离群索居;不与人往来;不管别人的事 Nobody knows much about him; he keeps himself very much to himself. 谁对他都不太了解,因为他很少和人交往。 ˌkeep sth to yourˈself to not tell other people about sth 对…秘而不宣(或保守秘密);不将…说出去 I'd be grateful if you kept this information to yourself. 你要是不把这消息传出去,我会不胜感激的。 ˌkeep sb ˈunder to control or oppresssb 控制,压制(人) The local people are kept under by the army. 当地居民受军队管制。 ˌkeep ˈup if particular weather keeps up,it continues without stopping (天气)持续不变 The rain kept up all afternoon. 雨下了整整一个下午。 ˌkeep ˈup (with sb/sth) to move, make progress or increase at the same rate as sb/sth (与…)齐步前进,并驾齐驱;跟上 Slow down—I can't keep up! 慢点,我跟不上了! I can't keep up with all the changes. 我并非所有的变化都能跟得上。 Wages are not keeping up with inflation. 工资赶不上通货膨胀。 ˌkeep ˈup with sb to continue to be in contact with sb 与(某人)保持联系 How many of your old school friends do you keep up with? 你与多少老同学保持着联系? ˌkeep ˈup with sth 1 to learn about or be aware of the news, current events, etc. 熟悉,了解(消息、形势等) She likes to keep up with the latest fashions. 她喜欢赶时髦。 2 to continue to pay or do sth regularly 继续支付;继续做 If you do not keep up with the payments you could lose your home. 如果你不继续付款,你的住房就可能保不住了。 ˌkeep sb ˈup to prevent sb from going to bed 使某人熬夜(或开夜车、不睡觉) I hope we're not keeping you up. 希望我们没有耽误你睡觉。 ˌkeep sth↔ˈup 1 to make sth stay at a high level 使某事物保持在高水平 The high cost of raw materials is keeping prices up. 昂贵的原料费用使价格居高不下。 2 to continue sth at the same, usually high, level 使某事物保持(在同一水平,通常指高水平) The enemy kept up the bombardment day and night. 敌人昼夜轰炸不停。 We're having difficulty keeping up our mortgage payments. 我们难以继续偿还按揭贷款。 Well done! Keep up the good work/Keep it up! 干得好!继续好好干吧! 3 to make sth remain at a high level 使处于高水平;使不低落 They sang songs to keep their spirits up. 他们唱歌以保持高昂的情绪。 4 to continue to use or practise sth 沿用(或沿袭、保持)某事物 to keep up old traditions 保持老传统 Do you still keep up your Spanish? 你还坚持说西班牙语吗? 5 to take care of a house, garden/yard, etc. so that it stays in good condition 保养,维护(房屋、花园等) SYN maintain related noun upkeep noun 1 [uncountable ] food, clothes and all the other things that a person needs to live; the cost of these things 生活必需品;生活费用 It's about time you got a job to earn your keep. 你该找个工作挣自己的生活费了。 2 [countable ] a large strong tower, built as part of an old castle 城堡主楼 IDIOM for ˈkeeps ( informal) for ever 永远;永久 Is it yours for keeps or does he want it back? 这东西是永远属于你了,还是要还给他? more at earn keep / kiːp ; NAmE kiːp / kept / kept ; NAmE kept /
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