islet 英 [ˈaɪlət]   美 [ˈaɪlət]


islet  英 [ˈaɪlət] 美 [ˈaɪlət]

n. 小岛 


There were no people living there, though Turks often sailed to the larger islet for picnics. 虽然土耳其人经常坐船到较大的那个岛上野炊,但是并没有人住在这两个小岛上。
Seiji Uchida, 48, who lost the ability to walk in a car accident 27 years ago, said he has long dreamed of visiting the picturesque abbey of Mont Saint-Michel, set on a rocky islet in Normandy. 今年48岁的小泽征内田,27年前在一场车祸中丧失了行走能力。 他一直梦想有一天能够登上诺曼底的岩石小岛,去参观一下圣米歇尔山那如画般生动别致的大修道院。

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  • n. 小岛
  • 1. There were no people living there, though Turks often sailed to the larger islet for picnics.


  • 2. Seiji Uchida, 48, who lost the ability to walk in a car accident 27 years ago, said he has long dreamed of visiting the picturesque abbey of Mont Saint-Michel, set on a rocky islet in Normandy.

    今年48岁的小泽征内田,27年前在一场车祸中丧失了行走能力。 他一直梦想有一天能够登上诺曼底的岩石小岛,去参观一下圣米歇尔山那如画般生动别致的大修道院。

  • 3. islet-cell cancer, like Jobs and I had, is usually curable when caught early" - this seems to fit with what you wrote.


  • islet (n.) 1530s, from Middle French islette (Modern French îlette), diminutive of isle (see isle).
islet / ˈaɪlət ; NAmE ˈaɪlət / noun a very small island 很小的岛;小岛 islet islets islet / ˈaɪlət ; NAmE ˈaɪlət /
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