hungry 英 [ˈhʌŋgri]   美 [ˈhʌŋɡri]


hungry  英 [ˈhʌŋgri] 美 [ˈhʌŋɡri]

adj. 饥饿的;渴望的; 

比较级:hungrier  最高级:hungriest 

I'm really hungry. 我真是饿了。
Is anyone getting hungry? 有人觉得饿吗?

  • Are you hungry? If your stomach is growling, you're probably hungry, which is how you’d describe that uncomfortable feeling in your gut when you go too long without eating food.
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  • adj. 饥饿的;渴望的;
  • 1. I'm really hungry.


  • 2. Is anyone getting hungry?


  • 3. All this talk of food is making me hungry.


  • 4. I have a hungry family to feed.


  • 5. All this gardening is hungry work.


  • 6. Both parties are hungry for power.


  • hungry (adj.) Middle English hungry, hungri, from Old English hungrig "hungry, famished;" see hunger (n.) + -y (2). Common West Germanic; compare Old Frisian hungerig, Dutch hongerig, German hungrig. Figurative use from c. 1200. Related: Hungriness.
hun·gry / ˈhʌŋɡri ; NAmE ˈhʌŋɡri / adjective ( hun·grier , hun·gri·est ) 1 feeling that you want to eat sth 感到饿的 I'm really hungry. 我真是饿了。 Is anyone getting hungry? 有人觉得饿吗? All this talk of food is making me hungry. 老这么谈吃的勾起我的食欲了。 I have a hungry family to feed. 我得养活嗷嗷待哺的一家人。 2 not having enough food to eat 饥饿的;捱饿的 Thousands are going hungrybecause of the failure of this year's harvest. 由于今年粮食歉收,成千上万的人将捱饿。 3 the hungry noun [plural ] people who do not have enough food to eat (统称)饿民 4 [only before noun ] causing you to feel that you want to eat sth 使人饥饿的;引起食欲的 All this gardening is hungry work. 这些园艺活儿让人干了肚子饿。 5 hungry(for sth) having or showing a strong desire for sth 渴望得到;渴求 Both parties are hungry for power. 两党都渴望掌权。 power-hungry 渴求权力 The child is simply hungry for affection. 这个孩子只不过是渴望得到爱。 His eyes had a wild hungry look in them. 他的目光里有一种强烈的渴望神情。 hun·grily / ˈhʌŋɡrəli ; NAmE ˈhʌŋɡrəli / adverb They gazed hungrily at the display of food. 他们饥肠辘辘地盯着那些摆放着的食物。 He kissed her hungrily. 他如饥似渴地亲吻她。 hungry hungrier hungriest hun·gry / ˈhʌŋɡri ; NAmE ˈhʌŋɡri / hun·grily / ˈhʌŋɡrəli ; NAmE ˈhʌŋɡrəli /
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