hide 英 [haɪd]   美 [haɪd]


hide  英 [haɪd] 美 [haɪd]

v. 隐藏; 

进行时:hiding  过去式:hid  过去分词:hidden  第三人称单数:hides  名词复数:hides 

He hid the letter in a drawer. 他把信藏在抽屉里。
I hid under the bed. 我躲在床底下。

  • You can hide your feelings or you can hide your mom’s birthday present. You can even hide yourself if you need to avoid someone. Whatever it is, when you hide something, you put it out of sight.
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  • v. 隐藏;
  • 1. He hid the letter in a drawer.


  • 2. I hid under the bed.


  • 3. I keep my private papers hidden.


  • 4. He hid his face in his hands.


  • 5. The house was hidden by trees.


  • hide (n.1) "skin of a large animal," Old English hyd "a hide, a skin," from Proto-Germanic *hudiz (source also of Old Norse huð, Old Frisian hed, Middle Dutch huut, Dutch huid, Old High German hut, German Haut "skin"), from PIE root *(s)keu- "to cover, conceal."
  • hide (n.2) a measure of land (obsolete), Old English hid "hide of land," earlier higid, from hiw- "family," from or related to hiwan "household," hiwo "a husband, master of a household," from Proto-Germanic *hiwido-, from PIE *keiwo- (source also of Latin civis "citizen"), from PIE root *kei-(1) "to lie," also forming words for "bed, couch," and with a secondary sense of "beloved, dear."
  • hide (v.1) Old English hydan (transitive and intransitive) "to hide, conceal; preserve; hide oneself; bury a corpse," from West Germanic *hudjan (source also of Middle Dutch, Middle Low German huden), from suffixed form of PIE *keudh- (source also of Greek keuthein "to hide, conceal"), from root *(s)keu- "to cover, conceal."
hide / haɪd ; NAmE haɪd / verb , noun hide hides hid hidden hiding verb ( hid / hɪd ; NAmE hɪd / hid·den / ˈhɪdn ; NAmE ˈhɪdn / ) 1 [transitive ] to put or keep sb/sth in a place where they/it cannot be seen or found 藏;隐蔽 SYN conceal hidesb/sth He hid the letter in a drawer. 他把信藏在抽屉里。 I keep my private papers hidden. 我藏起了我的私人文件。 hidesb/sth from sth They hid me from the police in their attic. 他们把我藏在他们的阁楼上躲避警察。 2 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to go somewhere where you hope you will not be seen or found 躲避;隐匿 Quick, hide! 快,躲起来! + adv./prep. I hid under the bed. 我躲在床底下。 ( figurative) He hid behind a false identity. 他隐姓埋名。 hideyourself (+ adv.prep.) She hides herself away in her office all day. 她成天躲在办公室里。 3 [transitive ] to cover sth so that it cannot be seen 遮住;遮挡 SYN conceal hidesth + adv./prep. He hid his face in his hands. 他用手捂住了脸。 hidesth The house was hidden by trees. 那所房子被树丛遮住了。 No amount of make-up could hide her age. 再多的化妆品也遮掩不住她的年龄。 4 [transitive ] hidesth to keep sth secret, especially your feelings 掩盖,隐瞒(尤指感情) SYN conceal She struggled to hide her disappointment. 她竭力掩饰她的失望。 I have never tried to hide the truth about my past. 我从未设法隐瞒我的过去。 They claim that they have nothing to hide (= there was nothing wrong or illegal about what they did). 他们声称他们没什么可隐瞒的。 She felt sure the letter had some hidden meaning. 她确信那封信中有言外之意。 IDIOM hide your light under a ˈbushel ( BrE) to not let people know that you are good at sth 不显露才能;不露锋芒 more at head n. , multitude noun 1 [countable ] ( BrE) a place from which people can watch wild animals or birds, without being seen by them (观看野生动物的)隐蔽处,藏身处 2 [countable ,  uncountable ] an animal's skin, especially when it is bought or sold or used for leather (尤指买卖或用作皮革的)皮,毛皮 boots made from buffalo hide 用水牛皮做的靴子 3 [singular ] ( informal) ( especially NAmE) used to refer to sb's life or safety when they are in a difficult situation (困境中的)生命,人身安全 All he's worried about is his own hide (= himself). 他所担心的只是他自己的生命安全。 IDIOMS have/tan sb's ˈhide ( old-fashioned, informal or humorous) to punish sb severely 严惩某人 not see hide nor ˈhair of sb/sth ( informal) not to see sb/sth for some time (一段时间)不见某人(或某物)的踪影 I haven't seen hide nor hair of her for a month. 我有一个月没见过她了。 IDIOMsee save v. SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 hide conceal cover disguise mask camouflage These words all mean to put or keep sb/sth in a place where they/it cannot be seen or found, or to keep the truth or your feelings secret. 以上各词均含藏、隐藏、掩盖、隐瞒之意。 hide to put or keep sb/sth in a place where they/it cannot be seen or found; to keep sth secret, especially your feelings 指藏、隐藏、掩盖(尤指感情): He hid the letter in a drawer. 他把信藏在抽屉里。 She managed to hide her disappointment. 她设法掩藏了自己的失望。 conceal ( formal) to hide sb/sth; to keep sth secret 指隐藏、隐瞒、掩盖: The paintings were concealed beneath a thick layer of plaster. 那些画藏在厚厚的灰泥层下面。 Tim could barely conceal his disappointment. 蒂姆几乎掩饰不住自己的失望。 NOTEWhen it is being used to talk about emotions, concealis often used in negative statements. *conceal 指掩藏感情时常用于否定句。 cover to place sth over or in front of sth in order to hide it 指掩蔽、遮盖: She covered her face with her hands. 她双手掩面。 disguise to hide or change the nature of sth, so that it cannot be recognized 指掩蔽、掩饰、伪装,以免被认出: He tried to disguise his accent. 他竭力掩饰自己的口音。 mask to hide a feeling, smell, fact, etc. so that it cannot be easily seen or noticed 指掩饰、掩藏(情感、气味、事实等),以免被看出或注意到: She masked her anger with a smile. 她用微笑来掩饰她的愤怒。 camouflage to hide sb/sth by making them/it look like the things around, or like sth else 指通过使人或事物与周围环境或其他事物相似而达到伪装、掩饰的目的: The soldiers camouflaged themselves with leaves and twigs. 士兵用树叶和树枝来伪装自己。 PATTERNS to hide/conceal/disguise/mask/camouflage sth behindsth to hide/conceal sth understh to hide/conceal sth fromsb to hide/conceal/disguise/mask the truth / the truth to hide/conceal/disguise/mask your feelings hide / haɪd ; NAmE haɪd / hid / hɪd ; NAmE hɪd / hid·den / ˈhɪdn ; NAmE ˈhɪdn /
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