harassment 英 ['hærəsmənt]   美 [hə'ræsmənt]


harassment  英 ['hærəsmənt] 美 [hə'ræsmənt]

n. 骚扰;烦恼 


Sexual harassment, that's against the law.  性骚扰是违法的。
At what point does it become sexual harassment?  从什么时候起这就该算性骚扰了 呢 ?

  • If someone is abusing, insulting, or otherwise harming you on a regular basis, it's called harassment. Cruel and usually really annoying, harassment is also illegal in some cases.
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  • n. 骚扰;烦恼
  • 1. Sexual harassment, that's against the law.


  • 2. At what point does it become sexual harassment?

    从什么时候起这就该算性骚扰了 呢 ?

  • harassment (n.) "action of harassing; state of being harassed," 1753, from harass + -ment.
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