hand 英 [hænd]   美 [hænd]


hand  英 [hænd] 美 [hænd]

n. 手,  vt. 传递,交给 

进行时:handing  过去式:handed  过去分词:handed  第三人称单数:hands  名词复数:hands 

Put your hand up if you know the answer. 知道答案就举手。
Give me your hand while we cross the road. 过马路时拉着我的手。

  • Your hand is the appendage with fingers at the end of your arm. When you clap your hands, you loudly smack their palms together to express your appreciation and enthusiasm.
  • 请先登录
  • n. 手,
  • vt. 传递,交给
  • 1. Put your hand up if you know the answer.


  • 2. Give me your hand while we cross the road.


  • 3. a hand towel


  • 4. Let me give you a hand with those bags.


  • 5. hand-painted pottery


  • 6. hand-knitted


  • 7. She handed the letter to me.


  • hand (n.) Old English hond, hand "the human hand;" also "side, part, direction" (in defining position, to either right or left); also "power, control, possession" (on the notion of the hand's grip or hold), from Proto-Germanic *handuz (source also of Old Saxon, Old Frisian, Dutch, German hand, Old Norse hönd, Gothic handus), which is of uncertain origin.
  • hand (v.) c. 1400, "take charge of, seize," from hand (n.). Earlier verbs were hend (Old English genehdan), handle. Meaning "to pass (something to someone)" is from 1640s. To hand it to (someone) "acknowledge someone's ability or superiority" is slang from 1906, the it perhaps meant to suggest a trophy cup, award, etc. Related: Handed; handing.
hand / hænd ; NAmE hænd / noun , verb hand hands handed handing noun part of body 身体部位 1 [countable ] the part of the body at the end of the arm, including the fingers and thumb Ian placed a hand on her shoulder. 伊恩把一只手搭在她的肩上。 Put your hand upif you know the answer. 知道答案就举手。 Keep both hands on the steering wheel at all times. 双手要始终握住方向盘。 She was on (her) hands and knees (= crawlingon the floor) looking for an earring. 她正趴在地板上到处寻找耳环。 Couples strolled past holding hands. 一对对恋人手拉手漫步经过。 Give me your hand (= hold my hand)while we cross the road. 过马路时拉着我的手。 The crowd threw up their hands (= lifted them into the air)in dismay. 群众沮丧地举起双手。 He killed the snake with his bare hands (= using only his hands). 他徒手杀死了那条蛇。 a hand towel (= a small towel for drying your hands on) 擦手的小毛巾 a hand drill (= one that is used by turning a handle rather than powered by electricity) 手摇钻 collocationsat physical see also left-hand , right-hand -handed …手 2 ( in adjectives 构成形容词 ) using the handor number of handsmentioned 用…手的;用…只手的 a one-handed catch 单手抓接 left-handed scissors (= intended to be held in your left hand) 供左手使用的剪刀 help 帮助 3 a hand [singular ] ( informal) help in doing sth 帮助;协助 Let me give you a handwith those bags (= help you to carry them). 我来帮你拎那些包吧。 Do you need a handwith those invoices? 要不要我帮你处理那些发票? The neighbours are always willing to lend a hand. 邻居们总是乐于帮忙。 role in situation 角色 4 [singular ] handin sth the part or role that sb/sth plays in a particular situation; sb's influence in a situation 角色;作用;影响 Early reports suggest the hand of rebel forces in the bombings. 早期的报道暗示叛乱武装插手了爆炸案。 Several of his colleagues had a hand inhis downfall. 他的几个同事促使了他下台。 This appointment was an attempt to strengthen her handin policy discussions. 这次任命旨在加强她在政策讨论中的作用。 on clock/watch 钟表 5 [countable ] ( usually in compounds 通常构成复合词 ) a part of a clock or watch that points to the numbers 指针 see also hour hand , minute hand , second hand worker 工人 6 [countable ] a person who does physical work on a farm or in a factory (农场或工厂的)体力劳动者,工人 see also chargehand , farmhand , hired hand , stagehand sailor 船员 7 [countable ] a sailor on a ship 船员 All hands on deck! 全体船员到甲板上集合! see also deckhand hand- 手工 8 ( in compounds 构成复合词 ) by a person rather than a machine 手工 hand-painted pottery 手绘陶器 hand-knitted 手工编织的 This item should be hand washed. 这件物品要用手洗。 see also handmade in card games 纸牌游戏 9 [countable ] a set of playing cardsgiven to one player in a game (分给游戏者的)一手牌 to be dealt a good/bad hand 拿到一手好牌╱坏牌 10 [countable ] one stage of a game of cards (纸牌游戏的)一盘 I'll have to leave after this hand. 这一盘打完后我必须走了。 writing 书写 11 [singular ] ( old use) a particular style of writing 笔迹 see also freehand measurement for horse 马的测量 12 [countable ] a unit for measuring the height of a horse, equal to 4 inches or 10.16 centimetres 一手之宽(测量马的高度的单位,等于 4 英寸或 10.16 厘米) see also dab hand , old hand , second-hand , underhand IDIOMS all ˌhands on ˈdeck ( also all ˌhands to the ˈpump ) ( saying, humorous) everyone helps or must help, especially in a difficult situation 总动员;全民皆兵 There are 30 people coming to dinner tonight, so it's all hands on deck. 今天晚上有 30 人来吃饭,要全体动员了。 (close/near) at ˈhand close to you in time or distance (在时间或距离上)接近 Help was at hand. 援助近在咫尺。 The property is ideally located with all local amenities close at hand. 这处房地产的位置很理想,离当地的福利设施都近。 at the hands of sb | at sb's hands ( formal) if you experience sth at the hands of sb,they are the cause of it 某人导致;出自某人之手 be good with your ˈhands to be skilful at making or doing things with your hands 技术娴熟 bind/tie sb hand and ˈfoot 1 to tie sb's hands and feet together so that they cannot move or escape 捆绑住某人的手脚 2 to prevent sb from doing what they want by creating rules, restrictions, etc. 用条条框框限制某人 by ˈhand 1 by a person rather than a machine 手工 The fabric was painted by hand. 这个织品是手染的。 2 if a letter is delivered by hand,it is delivered by the person who wrote it, or sb who is sent by them, rather than by post/mail (信件)亲手交付,由专人递送 fall into sb's ˈhands/the ˈhands of sb ( formal) to become controlled by sb 受制于某人;被某人控制 The town fell into enemy hands. 那个小镇落入敌人手里了。 We don't want this document falling into the wrong hands. 我们不想使这份文件落入不当的人手中。 (at) first ˈhand by experiencing, seeing, etc. sth yourself rather than being told about it by sb else 第一手;亲自 The President visited the area to see the devastation at first hand. 总统亲临该地区视察受损情况。 get your ˈhands dirty to do physical work 做体力工作;体力劳动 He's not frightened of getting his hands dirty. 他不怕体力劳动。 sb's ˈhand (in marriage) ( old-fashioned) permission to marry sb, especially a woman 答应求婚(尤指女方) He asked the general for his daughter's hand in marriage. 他请求将军把女儿许配给他。 ˌhand in ˈglove (with sb) working closely with sb, especially in a secret and/or illegal way 同某人密切合作(尤指勾结) ˌhand in ˈhand 1 if two people are hand in hand,they are holding each other's hand 手拉手 2 if two things go hand in hand,they are closely connected and one thing causes the other 密切关联;相连带 Poverty and poor health often go hand in hand. 贫困和健康不良常有连带关系。 ˌhands ˈdown ( informal) easily and without any doubt 容易地;易如反掌地;毋庸置疑地 They won hands down. 他们轻松取胜。 It is hands down the best movie this year. 这无疑是今年最好的电影。 see also hands-down adj. (get/take your) ˌhands ˈoff (sth/sb) ( informal) used to tell sb not to touch sth/sb (命令)别动某物╱某人 Get your hands off my wife! 不许碰我妻子! Hey, hands off! That's my drink! 嘿,别动!那是我的饮料! ˌhands ˈup! ( informal) 1 used to tell a group of people to raise one hand in the air if they know the answer to a question, etc. 举手(答问) Hands up all those who want to go swimming. 想去游泳的人举手。 2 used by sb who is threatening people with a gun to tell them to raise both hands in the air 举手(投降) have your ˈhands full to be very busy or too busy to do sth else 忙得不可开交;应接不暇 She certainly has her hands full with four kids in the house. 家里养着四个孩子,她当然忙得团团转。 have your ˈhands tied to be unable to do what you want to do because of rules, promises, etc. 受到制约 I really wish I could help but my hands are tied. 我的确想帮忙,但却多有不便。 hold sb's ˈhand to give sb support in a difficult situation (困难时)给某人支持;拉某人一把 Do you want me to come along and hold your hand? 你想让我过去帮你一把吗? in sb's capable, safe, etc. ˈhands being taken care of or dealt with by sb that you think you can rely on 由可信任的人负责(或处理等) Can I leave these queries in your capable hands? 我能否请你这个能手来解答这些疑问? in ˈhand 1 if you have time or money in hand,it is left and available to be used 在手头;可供使用 2 if you have a particular situation in hand,you are in control of it 在掌握中;在控制中 3 the job, question, etc. in handis the one that you are dealing with 正在处理中 4 if sb works a week, month, etc. in hand,they are paid for the work a week, etc. after they have completed it (按星期、月等)领取工资 in the hands of sb | in sb's ˈhands being taken care of or controlled by sb 受某人照料;受某人控制 The matter is now in the hands of my lawyer. 这件事现在正由我的律师处理。 At that time, the castle was in enemy hands. 那时城堡在敌人手中。 keep your ˈhand in to occasionally do sth that you used to do a lot so that you do not lose your skill at it 偶尔操练某事以保持熟练 She retired last year but still teaches the odd class to keep her hand in. 她去年退休了,但偶尔还上课,以免技巧生疏。 lay/get your ˈhands on sb to catch sb that you are annoyed with 捉住使你不快的人 Wait till I get my hands on him! 等着我抓住他吧! lay/get your ˈhands on sth to find or get sth 找到╱得到某物 I know their address is here somewhere, but I can't lay my hands on it right now. 我知道他们的地址就放在这块儿,但我一时找不到。 many hands make light ˈwork ( saying) used to say that a job is made easier if a lot of people help 人多好办事;众人拾柴火焰高 not do a hand's ˈturn ( old-fashioned) to do no work 什么活也不干 She hasn't done a hand's turn all week. 她闲了整整一星期。 off your ˈhands no longer your responsibility 不再由某人负责 on either/every ˈhand ( literary) on both/all sides; in both/all directions 在双方面╱各个方面;在两个╱各个方向 on ˈhand available, especially to help 现有(尤指帮助) The emergency services were on hand with medical advice. 随时都有急诊服务,并提供医疗咨询。 on your ˈhands if you have sb/sth on your hands,you are responsible for them or it 由某人负责(某人、某事) Let me take care of the invitations—you've enough on your hands with the caterers. 让我来负责发邀请吧,你负责洽办酒席就够忙了。 (on the ˈone hand…) on the ˈother (hand)… used to introduce different points of view, ideas, etc, especially when they are opposites (引出不同的,尤指对立的观点、思想等)一方面…另一方面… On the one hand they'd love to have kids, but on the other, they don't want to give up their freedom. 一方面,他们想要孩子,但另一方面,他们又不想放弃自由自在的生活。 language bank at contrast out of ˈhand 1 difficult or impossible to control 难以(或无法)控制 Unemployment is getting out of hand. 失业问题越来越难以控制。 2 if you reject, etc. sth out of hand,you do so immediately without thinking about it fully or listening to other people's arguments 不假思索(拒绝等) All our suggestions were dismissed out of hand. 我们的建议均遭到了草率的拒绝。 ˌout of your ˈhands no longer your responsibility 不再由某人负责 I'm afraid the matter is now out of my hands. 恐怕这件事现已不归我管。 ˌplay into sb's ˈhands to do exactly what an enemy, opponent, etc. wants so that they gain the advantage in a particular situation 干敌人(或对手等)所希望的事;做有利于敌人(或对手等)的事;授人以可乘之机 If we get the police involved, we'll be playing right into the protesters' hands. 如果出动警察,那将正中抗议者的下怀。 put your ˌhand in your ˈpocket ( BrE) to spend money or give it to sb 掏腰包;出钱;付款 I've heard he doesn't like putting his hand in his pocket. 我听说他手很紧。 (at) second, third, etc. ˈhand by being told about sth by sb else who has seen it or heard about it, not by experiencing, seeing, etc. it yourself 经过二手三手地;间接地;非亲身经历 I'm fed up of hearing about these decisions third hand! 我厌倦了从别人那里听说这些决定! ˌtake sb in ˈhand to deal with sb in a strict way in order to improve their behaviour 管教某人 take sth into your own ˈhands to deal with a particular situation yourself because you are not happy with the way that others are dealing with it 亲自处理某事 throw your ˈhand in ( informal) to stop doing sth or taking part in sth, especially because you are not successful (尤指不成功而)放弃,退出 to ˈhand that you can reach or get easily 在手边;随时可得到 I'm afraid I don't have the latest figures to hand. 恐怕我手头没有最新的数据。 turn your ˈhand to sth to start doing sth or be able to do sth, especially when you do it well (尤指成功、顺利地)着手做,能够做 Jim can turn his hand to most jobs around the house. 吉姆能担当起家里的大部份杂活。 more at big adj. , bird , bite v. , blood n. , cap n. , cash n. , change v. , close 2 adv. , courage , dead adj. , devil , eat , firm adj. , fold v. , force v. , free adj. , hat , heavy , help v. , iron adj. , join v. , know v. , law , life , lift v. , live 1 , money , offer v. , overplay , pair n. , palm n. , putty , raise v. , safe adj. , show n. , show v. , sleight at sleight of hand , stay v. , time n. , try v. , upper adj. , wait v. , wash v. , whip n. , win v. , wring verb to pass or give sth to sb 交;递;给 handsth to sb She handed the letter to me. 她把信交给我。 handsb sth She handed me the letter. 她把信交给我。 IDIOMS hand sth to sb on a ˈplate ( informal) to give sth to sb without the person concerned making any effort 把某事物拱手送给某人 Nobody's going to hand you success on a plate. 没有人会把胜利白白地送给你的。 have (got) to ˈhand it to sb ( informal) used to say that sb deserves praise for sth (表示某人值得称赞) You've got to hand it to her—she's a great cook. 你没法不佩服她,她的厨艺的确了不起。 PHRASAL VERBS ˌhand sth↔aˈround/ˈround to offer or pass sth, especially food or drinks, to all the people in a group 传递,分发(尤指食物或饮料) ˌhand sth ˈback (to sb) to give or return sth to the person who owns it or to where it belongs 归还某物 ˌhand sth↔ˈdown (to sb) 1 [usually passive ] to give or leave sth to sb who is younger than you 把某事物传下去;传给(后代) SYN pass down These skills used to be handed down from father to son. 这些技艺以往都是父子相传。 related noun hand-me-down 2 to officially give a decision/statement, etc. 正式宣布;公布 SYN announce The judge has handed down his verdict. 法官已经宣布了裁决结果。 ˌhand sth↔ˈin (to sb) ( BrE also ˌgive sth ˈin (to sb) ) to give sth to a person in authority, especially a piece of work or sth that is lost 提交,呈交,上交(尤指书面材料或失物) You must all hand in your projects by the end of next week. 你们都必须在下周末前交出研究报告。 I handed the watch in to the police. 我把那块表交给了警察。 to hand in your notice/resignation (= formally tell your employer that you want to stop working for them) 递交辞呈 ˌhand sb↔ˈoff ( BrE) ( also ˌstraight-ˈarm , ˌstiff-ˈarm both NAmE ) (in sport 体育运动 ) to push away a player who is trying to stop you, with your arm straight 伸直手臂挡开(对手) ˌhand sth↔ˈon (to sb) to give or leave sth for another person to use or deal with 把某事物交给或留给(某人)使用(或处理) SYN pass on ˌhand sth↔ˈout (to sb) 1 to give a number of things to the members of a group 分发某物 SYN distribute Could you hand these books out, please? 请把这些书发给大家好吗? related noun handout 2 ( informal) to give advice, a punishment, etc. 提出,给予(建议、惩罚等) He's always handing out advice to people. 他总是喜欢给人讲大道理。 ˌhand ˈover (to sb) | ˌhand sth↔ˈover (to sb) to give sb else your position of power or the responsibility for sth 把(权力或责任)移交给(某人) She resigned and handed over to one of her younger colleagues. 她辞职了,由一位比她年轻的同事接任。 He finally handed over his responsibility for the company last year. 他终于在去年交出了公司的职务。 related noun handover ˌhand sb ˈover to sb to let sb listen or speak to another person, especially on the telephone or in a news broadcast (尤指打电话或在新闻广播中)让某人听另一个人讲话或同其谈话 I'll hand you over to my boss. 我把这通电话接给我的老板。 ˌhand sb/sth↔ˈover (to sb) to give sth/sb officially or formally to another person 把某事物╱某人正式交给(某人) He handed over a cheque for $200 000. 他交出了一张 20 万元的支票。 They handed the weapons over to the police. 他们把武器交给了警方。 related noun handover VOCABULARY BUILDING 词汇扩充 Using your hands 用手 Touch 接触 These verbs describe different ways of touching things. 下列动词表示用手接触东西的不同方式: feel I felt the bag to see what was in it. 我摸了摸提包,看里面有什么东西。 finger She fingered the silk delicately. 她用手指轻轻地摸了摸丝绸。 handle Handle the fruit with care. 拿水果时小心点。 rub She rubbed her eyes wearily. 她疲倦地揉了揉眼睛。 stroke The cat loves being stroked. 这猫喜欢别人摩挲。 pat He patted my arm and told me not to worry. 他轻轻拍了拍我手臂,叫我别担心。 tap Someone was tapping lightly at the door. 有人在轻轻敲门。 squeeze I took his hand and squeezed it. 我抓住他的手捏了捏。 Hold 拿住 You can use these verbs to describe taking something quickly. 可用下列动词表示迅速抓住: grab I grabbed his arm to stop myself from falling. 我抓住他的手臂以免自己摔倒。 snatch She snatched the letter out of my hand. 她一把将信从我手上抢走。 These verbs describe holding things tightly. 下列动词表示紧紧握住: clasp Her hands were clasped behind her head. 她双手紧紧抱住后脑勺。 clutch The child was clutching a doll in her hand. 女孩手里紧紧抱着一个玩具娃娃。 grasp Grasp the rope with both hands and pull. 双手抓住绳子拉。 grip He gripped his bag tightly and wouldn’t let go. 他紧紧抓住包不松手。 hand / hænd ; NAmE hænd /
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