hamper 英 [ˈhæmpə(r)]   美 [ˈhæmpɚ]


hamper  英 [ˈhæmpə(r)] 美 [ˈhæmpɚ]

vt. 妨碍;束缚  n. 食盒,食篮 

进行时:hampering  过去式:hampered  过去分词:hampered  第三人称单数:hampers  名词复数:hampers 

He emptied his dirty laundry into the hamper.  他把脏衣服全都放进洗衣筐里。
There are some apples in a picnic hamper.  在野餐用的大篮子里有许多苹果.

  • Anything that hampers slows progress or makes it difficult to do something. You might think that the presence of your parents hampers your ability to look cool.
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  • vt. 妨碍;束缚
  • n. 食盒,食篮
  • 1. He emptied his dirty laundry into the hamper.


  • 2. There are some apples in a picnic hamper.


  • 3. a picnic hamper


  • 4. a Christmas hamper


  • 5. Prejudice sometimes hamper a person from do the right thing.


  • hamper (n.1) "large basket," early 14c., hampyre, probably a contraction of Anglo-French hanaper (Anglo-Latin hanepario), from Old French hanepier "case for holding a large goblet or cup;" in medical use "skull," also "helmet; armored leather cap," from hanap "goblet, chalice," from Frankish or some other Germanic source (cognates: Old Saxon hnapp "cup, bowl;" Old High German hnapf, German Napf, Old English hnæpp). The first -a- may be a French attempt to render Germanic hn- into an acceptable Romanic form. The English word also meant "the department of Chancery into which fees were paid for sealing and enrolling charters, etc." (15c.).
  • hamper (n.2) "things important for a ship but in the way at certain times" (Klein's definition), 1835, from hamper (n.) "a fetter, shackles," from French hamper "to impede." Hence top hamper, originally "upper masts, spars, rigging, etc. of a sailing ship."
  • hamper (v.) late 14c., hampren "surround, imprison, confine; pack in a container; impede in motion or progress," of uncertain origin; probably from hamper (n.1), unless it is somehow connected to Middle English hamelian "to maim." Related: Hampered; hampering.
ham·per / ˈhæmpə(r) ; NAmE ˈhæmpər / verb , noun hamper hampers hampered hampering verb [often passive ] hampersb/sth to prevent sb from easily doing or achieving sth 妨碍;阻止;阻碍 SYN hinder noun 1 a large basketwith a lid, especially one used to carry food in (尤指用于盛食物的)带盖大篮子 a picnic hamper 野餐篮 2 ( especially BrE) a box or package containing food, sent as a gift (作为礼品的)盒装食物,袋装食物 a Christmas hamper 圣诞礼品盒 3 ( NAmE) a large basketthat you keep your dirty clothes in until they are washed 盛脏衣服的大篮子 ham·per / ˈhæmpə(r) ; NAmE ˈhæmpər /
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