gauze 英 [gɔ:z]   美 [ɡɔz]


gauze  英 [gɔ:z] 美 [ɡɔz]

n. 纱布;薄纱;薄雾 


The doctor bound the wound with gauze. 医生用纱布包扎伤口。
I unwrap the tape and gauze—pink with my blood—from my fingers, balancing them in my hand, and consider throwing them at him. 我解开手指上的胶布和被血染成粉红色的纱布,在手里掂量着它们,恨不得扔到他头上。

  • Gauze is a loosely woven, almost translucent fabric that's used to bandage wounds. If you get a bad burn, a doctor might clean it and cover it with gauze.
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  • n. 纱布;薄纱;薄雾
  • 1. The doctor bound the wound with gauze.


  • 2. I unwrap the tape and gauze—pink with my blood—from my fingers, balancing them in my hand, and consider throwing them at him.


  • gauze (n.) 1560s, gais, from French gaze, which is of uncertain origin. It has been conjectured to be from Arabic gazz "raw silk" [Barnhart], or from Gaza, Palestinian city associated with production of this fabric [Klein, Du Cagne], but Century Dictionary calls the latter conjecture, and there has been no evidence for either.
gauze / ɡɔːz ; NAmE ɡɔːz / noun 1 [uncountable ] a type of light transparent cloth, usually made of cotton or silk 薄纱,纱罗(通常由棉或丝织成) 2 [uncountable ] a type of thin cotton cloth used for covering and protecting wounds 纱布(包扎伤口用) a gauze dressing 纱布敷料 3 [uncountable ,  countable ] material made of a network of wire; a piece of this (金属丝制的)网纱,网 wire gauze 金属网纱 gauzy gauzy gauzier gauziest / ; NAmE / adjective [usually before noun ] a gauzy material 薄纱料 gauze gauzes gauze / ɡɔːz ; NAmE ɡɔːz / gauzy / ; NAmE /
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