game 英 [geɪm]   美 [ɡem]


game  英 [geɪm] 美 [ɡem]

n. 游戏;比赛 

进行时:gaming  过去式:gamed  过去分词:gamed  第三人称单数:games  名词复数:games 

card games 纸牌游戏
board games 棋类游戏

  • A game is a contest or pastime. Football, checkers, Monopoly, volleyball, Ms. Pacman — they're all fun games to play.
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  • n. 游戏;比赛
  • 1. card games


  • 2. board games


  • 3. a game of chance, a game of skill


  • 4. to play a game ofchess


  • 5. Let's have a game oftable tennis.


  • 6. the Olympic Games


  • 7. a game of cops and robbers


  • 8. He was playing games with the dog.


  • 9. How long have you been in this game?


  • 10. I'm new to this game myself.


  • game (adj.1) "lame," 1787, from north Midlands dialect, of unknown origin, perhaps a variant of gammy (tramps' slang) "bad," or from Old North French gambe "leg" (see gambol (n.)).
  • game (adj.2) "ready for action, unafraid, and up to the task;" probably literally "spirited as a game-cock," 1725, from game-cock "bird bred for fighting" (1670s), from game (n.) in the "sport, amusement" sense. Middle English adjectives gamesome, gamelich meant "joyful, playful, sportive."
  • game (n.) c. 1200, from Old English gamen "joy, fun; game, amusement," common Germanic (cognates: Old Frisian game "joy, glee," Old Norse gaman "game, sport; pleasure, amusement," Old Saxon gaman, Old High German gaman "sport, merriment," Danish gamen, Swedish gamman "merriment"), said to be identical with Gothic gaman "participation, communion," from Proto-Germanic *ga- collective prefix + *mann "person," giving a sense of "people together."
  • game (v.) Middle English gamen "to sport, joke, jest," from Old English gamenian "to play, jest, joke;" see game (n.). The Middle English word is little recorded from c. 1400 and modern use for "to play at games" (1520s) probably is a new formation from the noun; and it might have been re-re-coined late 20c. in reference to computer games. Related: Gamed; gaming.
game / ɡeɪm ; NAmE ɡeɪm / noun , adjective game games gamed gaming gamer gamest noun activity/sport 活动;体育运动 1 [countable ] an activity or a sport with rules in which people or teams compete against each other (有规则的)游戏,运动,比赛项目 card games 纸牌游戏 board games 棋类游戏 a game of chance/skill 靠运气决定胜负╱凭技巧取胜的游戏 ball games,such as football or tennis 诸如足球或网球等球类运动 ( NAmE) We're going to the ball game (= baseballgame). 我们要去看棒球比赛。 see also war game 2 [countable ] an occasion of playing a game (一项)游戏,运动,比赛 to play a game ofchess 下一盘国际象棋 Saturday's League game against Swansea 联赛中星期六对斯旺西队的比赛 Let's have a game oftable tennis. 咱们来打场乒乓球赛吧。 They're in training for the big game. 他们正在为大赛进行训练。 3 [singular ] sb's game the way in which sb plays a game 比赛时用的手法;比赛技巧 Maguire raised his gameto collect the £40 000 first prize. 马圭尔的比赛技巧有所提高,得到了 4 万英镑的头等奖。 Stretching exercises can help you avoid injury and improve your game. 伸展运动有助于防止身体受伤,并能提高比赛技巧。 sports 体育运动 4 games [plural ] a large organized sports event 运动会 the Olympic Games 奥运会 5 games [plural ] ( old-fashioned) ( BrE) sport as a lesson or an activity at school (学校的)体育课,体育活动 I always hated games at school. 我念书的时候一直不喜欢体育活动。 part of sports match 体育比赛的一部份 6 [countable ] a section of some games,such as tennis,which forms a unit in scoring (网球等比赛的)一局,一场 two games all (= both players have won two games) 各赢两局 children's activity 儿童活动 7 [countable ] a children's activity when they play with toys, pretend to be sb else, etc. 儿童游戏 a game of cops and robbers 警察抓强盗的游戏 synonyms at interest fun 娱乐 8 [countable ] an activity that you do to have fun 娱乐;消遣;玩耍 He was playing gameswith the dog. 他在逗着狗玩。 synonyms at interest activity, business 活动;行业 9 [countable ] a type of activity or business 行当;行业;职业 How long have you been in this game? 你干这行当多长时间了? the game of politics 政治活动 I'm new to this gamemyself. 我个人对这一范畴不熟悉。 Getting dirty was all part of the gameto the kids. 对孩子来说弄脏是很正常的事。 see also waiting game secret plan 秘密计划 10 [countable ] ( informal) a secret and clever plan; a trick 诡计;策略;花招 So that's his game (= now I know what he has been planning). 原来这就是他的鬼把戏。 wild animals/birds 野生鸟兽 11 [uncountable ] wild animals or birds that people hunt for sport or food 猎物;野禽;野味 see also big game , fair game IDIOMS be a ˈgame to not be considered to be serious 不当一回事;当儿戏;闹着玩 For her the whole project was just a game. 对她来说,整个计划不过是场儿戏而已。 be on the ˈgame ( BrE) ( slang) to be a prostitute 卖淫;当“野鸡” beˌ out of the ˈgame to no longer have a chance of winning a game or succeeding in an activity that you are taking part in 退出比赛;被淘汰出局 be ˌstill/ˌback in the ˈgame to still/once again have a good chance of winning a game or succeeding in an activity that you are taking part in 没有出局;仍有获胜(或成功)的机会 The team was still in the game, just one goal down. 这个队还没出局,只落后一球。 the game is ˈup ( BrE) ( informal) said to sb who has done sth wrong, when they are caught and the crime or trick has been discovered (对做坏事被抓或罪行败露者说的话)戏该收场了,别再演戏了 game ˈon ( informal) used after sth has happened that makes it clear that a contest is not yet decided and anyone could still win (赛场局势发生变化后表明)胜负难料 We were losing 2–0 with ten minutes to go, and then we scored. It was game on! 离终场还有十分钟,我们以 0:2 落后,随后我们进球了。谁输谁赢还说不定呢! give the ˈgame away to tell a secret, especially by accident; to show sth that should be kept hidden 不慎泄露;露馅;露马脚 the only game in ˈtown ( informal) the most important thing of a particular type, or the only thing that is available 同类中最重要的事物;唯一的选择 play the ˈgame to behave in a fair and honest way 办事公道;为人诚实 play sb's ˈgame to do sth which helps sb else's plans, especially by accident, when you did not intend to help them (无意中)促成某人的计划 play (silly) ˈgames (with sb) not to treat a situation seriously, especially in order to cheat sb (与某人)耍花招,玩鬼把戏 Don't play silly games with me; I know you did it. 别跟我兜圈子,我知道是你干的。 ˈtwo can play at ˈthat game ( saying) used to tell sb who has played a trick on you that you can do the same thing to them (表示也会对方耍的花招)这一套你会我也会 what's sb's/your ˈgame? ( BrE) ( informal) used to ask why sb is behaving as they are 在干什么;怎么啦 more at beat v. , cat , fun n. , mug n. , name n. , number n. , rule n. , talk v. , worth adj. adjective game(for sth/to do sth) ready and willing to do sth new, difficult or dangerous 甘愿尝试;有冒险精神 She's game for anything. 她什么事都敢试。 We need a volunteer for this exercise. Who's game to try? 我们需要有人自告奋勇来做这个练习,谁愿意来试试? game / ɡeɪm ; NAmE ɡeɪm /
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