from 英 [frəm]   美 [frʌm]


from  英 [frəm] 美 [frʌm]

prep. 来自,从; 

Where are you from? I'm from Italy. 我是意大利人。
a letter from my brother 我哥哥来的信

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  • prep. 来自,从;
  • 1. Where are you from? I'm from Italy.


  • 2. a letter from my brother


  • 3. He was blind from birth.


  • 4. Steel is made from iron.


  • 5. She saved him from drowning.


  • 6. We all benefited from his success.


  • 7. Things have gone from bad to worse.


  • 8. From now on you can work on your own.


  • from (prep., adv.) Old English fram, preposition denoting departure or movement away in time or space, from Proto-Germanic *fra "forward, away from" (source also of Old Saxon, Old High German, Gothic fram "from, away," Old Norse fra "from," fram "forward"), from PIE *pro-mo-, suffixed form of *pro (see pro-), extended form of root *per- (1) "forward." The Germanic sense of "moving away" apparently evolved from the notion of "forward motion." It is related to Old English fram "forward; bold; strong," and fremian "promote, accomplish" (see frame (v.)).
from / frəm ; NAmE frəm / / strong form frɒm strong form frʌm strong form frɑːm / preposition HELP  For the special uses of fromin phrasal verbs, look at the entries for the verbs. For example keep sth from sbis in the phrasal verb section at keep. *from 在短语动词中的特殊用法见有关动词词条。如 keep sth from sb 在词条 keep 的短语动词部份。 1 used to show where sb/sth starts (表示起始点)从…起,始于 She began to walk away from him. 她开始离他而去。 Has the train from Bristol arrived? 从布里斯托尔开来的火车到了没有? 2 used to show when sth starts (表示开始的时间)从…开始 We're open from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. every day. 我们每天从早 8 点至晚 7 点营业。 He was blind from birth. 他天生失明。 3 used to show who sent or gave sth/sb (表示由某人发出或给出)寄自,得自 a letter from my brother 我哥哥来的信 information from witnesses 证人提供的信息 the man from (= representing)the insurance company 保险公司的人 4 used to show what the origin of sb/sth is (表示来源)来自,源于,出自,从…来 I'm from Italy. 我是意大利人。 documents from the sixteenth century *16 世纪的文献 quotations from Shakespeare 莎士比亚语录 heat from the sun 太阳热 5 used to show the material that sth is made of (表示所用的原料)由…(制成) Steel is made from iron. 钢是由铁炼成的。 6 used to show how far apart two places are (表示两地的距离)离 100 metres from the scene of the accident 离事故现场 100 米 7 used to show sb's position or point of view (表示位置或观点)从 You can see the island from here. 从这里可以看见那海岛。 From a financial point of view the project was a disaster. 从经济观点看,这个项目彻底失败了。 8 fromsth (to sth) used to show the range of sth (表示幅度或范围)从…(到) The temperature varies from 30 degrees to minus 20. 温度在 30 度至零下 20 度之间变化。 The store sells everything from shoelaces to computers. 这家商店出售的商品从鞋带到计算机应有尽有。 Conditions vary from school to school. 各所学校的情况不同。 9 fromsth (to sth) used to show the state or form of sth/sb before a change (表示改变前的状态或形式)从…(到) Things have gone from bad to worse. 情况越来越糟。 translating from English to Spanish 从英语译成西班牙语 You need a break from routine. 你需要从日常工作中解脱出来去休息一下。 10 used to show that sb/sth is separated or removed (表示分离或去除) The party was ousted from power after eighteen years. 该党执政十八年后被赶下台。 11 used to show that sth is prevented (表示防止)使免遭,使免受 She saved him from drowning. 她救了他一命,使他免遭淹死。 12 used to show the reason for sth (表示原因)由于,因为 She felt sick from tiredness. 她累得浑身不对劲。 13 used to show the reason for making a judgement (表示进行判断的原因)根据,从…来看 You can tell a lot about a person from their handwriting. 根据一个人的笔迹可以了解很多有关他的情况。 From what I heard the company's in deep trouble. 就我所听到的,这家公司已深陷困境。 14 used when distinguishing between two people or things (区别二者时用)与…(不同) Is Portuguese very different from Spanish? 葡萄牙语与西班牙语区别很大吗? I can't tell one twin from the other. 我分不出双胞胎中谁是谁。 IDIOM from… on starting at the time mentioned and continuously after that 从…时起 From now onyou can work on your own. 从现在起你可以独自工作。 She never spoke to him again from that day on. 从那天起她就再没和他说话。 from / frəm ; NAmE frəm /
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