forthcoming 英 [ˌfɔ:θˈkʌmɪŋ]   美 [ˌfɔrθˈkʌmɪŋ]


forthcoming  英 [ˌfɔ:θˈkʌmɪŋ] 美 [ˌfɔrθˈkʌmɪŋ]

adj. 即将来临的  n. 来临 

the forthcoming elections 即将举行的选举
a list of forthcoming books 近期将出版书籍的目录

  • You know when you go to a movie and they show the previews under the heading "coming soon?" They could just as well say forthcoming, because it means the same thing. Only who would want to see that stuffy movie?
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  • adj. 即将来临的
  • n. 来临
  • 1. the forthcoming elections


  • 2. a list of forthcoming books


  • 3. the band's forthcoming UK tour


  • 4. Financial support was not forthcoming.


  • forthcoming (adj.) "about to happen or appear," late 15c., present-participle adjective from Middle English forthcomen, from Old English forðcuman "to come forth, come to pass;" see forth + come (v.). Meaning "informative, responsive" is from 1835. A once-common verb formation; English also had forthbring, forthcall, forthdo, forthgo, forthpass, forthset, all now obsolete.
forth·com·ing AWL / ˌfɔːθˈkʌmɪŋ ; NAmE ˌfɔːrθˈkʌmɪŋ / adjective 1 [only before noun ] going to happen, be published, etc. very soon 即将发生(或出版等)的 the forthcoming elections 即将举行的选举 a list of forthcoming books 近期将出版书籍的目录 the band's forthcoming UK tour 乐队即将在英国的巡回演出 2 [not before noun ] ready or made available when needed 现成;随要随有 Financial support was not forthcoming. 财政支援尚未到手。 3 [not before noun ] willing to give information about sth 乐于提供信息 She's never very forthcoming about her plans. 她一直不很愿意说出自己的计划。 OPP unforthcoming forth·com·ing / ˌfɔːθˈkʌmɪŋ ; NAmE ˌfɔːrθˈkʌmɪŋ /
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