fold in 英 [fəuld in]   美 [fold ɪn]

fold in

fold in  英 [fəuld in] 美 [fold ɪn]

phrase. 调入  phrase. 拌进 

Roll out again, and once more fold in thirds to form three layers. 然后再将面团擀开,再重复之前的折叠动作,又形成新的三层。
Before serving, fold in 2 tablespoons of sifted powdered sugar and a tablespoon or two of brandy, rum, or sweet liqueur, or a teaspoon or two of vanilla extract. 使用前,用2汤匙筛过的糖粉,或是一到两汤匙白兰地,朗姆酒或甜的利口酒,再或者是一到两茶匙的香草精,翻拌到奶油中去。

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  • phrase. 调入
  • phrase. 拌进
  • 1. Roll out again, and once more fold in thirds to form three layers.


  • 2. Before serving, fold in 2 tablespoons of sifted powdered sugar and a tablespoon or two of brandy, rum, or sweet liqueur, or a teaspoon or two of vanilla extract.


  • 3. Further tests on the mice revealed that levels of adenosine surged 24-fold in the tissues around the acupuncture needles during and immediately after each session.


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