fiery 英 [ˈfaɪəri]   美 [ˈfaɪri]


fiery  英 [ˈfaɪəri] 美 [ˈfaɪri]

adj. 热烈的,炽烈的;暴躁的;燃烧般的 

比较级:fierier  最高级:fieriest 

Or, have it cold and raw with a blob of fiery wasabi. 或者以全生的冷盘上桌,配有一抹让人燃烧的芥末料。
He got up in front of the huge crowd and made a moving and fiery speech. 他挺身而出, 在大庭广众面前, 慷慨激昂地讲了一通。

  • When something is very hot or intense, it's fiery. Fiery can describe a literal blaze, a hot chili pepper, or even a fiery temper.
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  • adj. 热烈的,炽烈的;暴躁的;燃烧般的
  • 1. Or, have it cold and raw with a blob of fiery wasabi.


  • 2. He got up in front of the huge crowd and made a moving and fiery speech.

    他挺身而出, 在大庭广众面前, 慷慨激昂地讲了一通。

  • 3. "If they want to play games with us, I believe in a few ways we can turn Iraq into a fiery battlefield," he said.


  • fiery (adj.) late 13c., "flaming, full of fire," from Middle English fier "fire" (see fire (n.)) + -y (2). The spelling is a relic of one of the attempts to render Old English "y" in fyr in a changing system of vowel sounds. Other Middle English spellings include firi, furi, fuiri, vuiri, feri. From c. 1400 as "blazing red." Of persons, from late 14c. Related: Fieriness. As adjectives Old English had fyrbære "fiery, fire-bearing;" fyren "of fire, fiery, on fire;" fyrenful; fyrhat "hot as fire."
fiery / ˈfaɪəri ; NAmE ˈfaɪəri / adjective [usually before noun ] ( fier·ier , fieri·est ) 1 looking like fire; consisting of fire 火一般的;火的 fiery red hair 火红的头发 The sun was now sinking, a fiery ball of light in the west. 西边的太阳像一个发光的火球正在下沉。 2 quickly or easily becoming angry 暴躁的;易怒的 She has a fiery temper. 她脾气暴躁。 a fiery young man 动辄发怒的年轻人 3 showing strong emotions, especially anger 充满激情的;(尤指)怒气冲冲的 SYN passionate a fiery look 怒容满面 4 (of food or drink 食物或饮料 ) causing a part of your body to feel as if it is burning 辣的 a fiery Mexican dish 味辣的墨西哥菜肴 fiery fierier fieriest fiery / ˈfaɪəri ; NAmE ˈfaɪəri /
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