enemy 英 [ˈenəmi]   美 [ˈɛnəmi]


enemy  英 [ˈenəmi] 美 [ˈɛnəmi]

n. 敌人 


He has a lot of enemies in the company. 他在公司里有很多对头。
Birds are the natural enemies of many insect pests. 鸟类是许多害虫的天敌。

  • An enemy is a hostile opponent, like your sworn Scrabble enemy who vows to get revenge on your last triple word score.
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  • n. 敌人
  • 1. He has a lot of enemies in the company.


  • 2. Birds are the natural enemies of many insect pests.


  • 3. The enemy was forced to retreat. The enemy were forced to retreat.


  • 4. enemy forces, enemy aircraft, enemy territory


  • enemy (n.) early 13c., "one hateful toward and intent on harming (someone)," from Old French enemi (12c., Modern French ennemi), earlier inimi (9c.) "enemy, adversary, foe; demon, the Devil," from Latin inimicus "an enemy," literally "an unfriend," noun use of adjective meaning "hostile, unfriendly" (source also of Italian nemico, Catalan enamic, Spanish enemigo, Portuguese inimigo), from in- "not" (see in- (1)) + amicus "friend" related to amare "to love" (see Amy). From c. 1300 in English as "adversary of God, unbeliever, heathen, anti-Christian;" late 14c. as "the Devil;" also late 14c. as "member of an armed, hostile body in a war, feud, etc.;" of the opposing military forces as a whole, from c. 1600. From mid-14c. as an adjective.
enemy / ˈenəmi ; NAmE ˈenəmi / noun ( plural enemies ) 1 [countable ] a person who hates sb or who acts or speaks against sb/sth 敌人;仇人;反对者 He has a lot of enemies in the company. 他在公司里有很多对头。 After just one day, she had already made an enemy ofher manager. 刚过一天她就已经与经理为敌了。 It is rare to find a prominent politician with few political enemies. 没有什么政敌的杰出从政者是罕见的。 The state has a duty to protect its citizens against external enemies. 国家有义务保护本国公民不受外敌侵犯。 Birds are the natural enemiesof many insect pests (= they kill them). 鸟类是许多害虫的天敌。 see also enmity 2 the enemy [singular + singular or plural verb ] a country that you are fighting a war against; the soldiers, etc. of this country 敌国;敌军;敌兵 The enemy was/were forced to retreat. 敌军被迫撤退了。 enemy forces/aircraft/territory 敌军;敌机;敌占区 behind enemy lines (= the area controlled by the enemy) 在敌后 collocationsat war 3 [countable ] enemy(of sth) ( formal) anything that harms sth or prevents it from being successful 危害物;大敌 Poverty and ignorance are the enemies of progress. 贫穷和愚昧阻碍进步。 IDIOMsee worst adj. enemy enemies enemy / ˈenəmi ; NAmE ˈenəmi /
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