en- 英 [ɪn]   美 [ɛn]


en-  英 [ɪn] 美 [ɛn]

pref. 使处于…境地 


Such communication also allows for “platooning”, with one or more en-Vs tagging along automatically behind a leader. 这样的交流也考虑到了“排队”,一辆或者更多的EN-V会自动排在领头的车辆后面。
So if, for instance, one en-V detects another by radar, it can check what that other is intending to do and agree on how to pass it safely. 举个例子,如果一辆EN-V通过雷达侦测到另一辆EN-V,它能够检查到它想做什么,然后在怎样安全通过的问题上和它达成一致。

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  • pref. 使处于…境地
  • 1. Such communication also allows for “platooning”, with one or more en-Vs tagging along automatically behind a leader.


  • 2. So if, for instance, one en-V detects another by radar, it can check what that other is intending to do and agree on how to pass it safely.


  • 3. Television Loses Its Reason for Existence People don’t like to acknowledge this, but television news and en-tertainment are mere subsidiaries of the advertising industry.


en- / ɪn ; NAmE ɪn / ( also em- / ɪm ; NAmE ɪm / before b, mor p ) prefix ( in verbs 构成动词 ) 1 to put into the thing or condition mentioned 置于…之中;使处于…状态;赋予 encase 置于箱中 endanger 使遭危险 empower 授权 2 to cause to be 使;使成为 enlarge 扩大 embolden 使更有胆量 en- / ɪn ; NAmE ɪn / em- / ɪm ; NAmE ɪm /
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