duck 英 [dʌk]   美 [dʌk]


duck  英 [dʌk] 美 [dʌk]

n. 鸭子;零分  vi. 闪避 

进行时:ducking  过去式:ducked  过去分词:ducked  第三人称单数:ducks  名词复数:ducks 

wild ducks 野鸭
duck eggs 鸭蛋

  • A duck is a bird that spends much of its life on or near water. You can sometimes see whole families of ducks paddling across lakes and ponds.
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  • n. 鸭子;零分
  • vi. 闪避
  • 1. wild ducks


  • 2. duck eggs


  • 3. He was out for a duck.


  • 4. He had to duck as he came through the door.


  • duck (n.1) waterfowl, Old English duce (found only in genitive ducan) "a duck," literally "a ducker," presumed to be from Old English *ducan "to duck, dive" (see duck (v.)). Replaced Old English ened as the name for the bird, this being from PIE *aneti-, the root of the "duck" noun in most Indo-European languages.
  • duck (n.2) "strong, untwilled linen (later cotton) fabric," used for sails and sailors' clothing, 1630s, from Dutch doeck "linen cloth" (Middle Dutch doec), related to German Tuch "piece of cloth," Danish dug, Old Frisian dok, Old High German tuoh, all of unknown origin.
  • duck (v.) "to plunge into" (transitive), c. 1300; to suddenly go under water (intransitive), mid-14c., from presumed Old English *ducan "to duck," found only in derivative duce (n.) "duck" (but there are cognate words in other Germanic languages, such as Old High German tuhhan "to dip," German tauchen "to dive," Old Frisian duka, Middle Dutch duken "to dip, dive," Dutch duiken), from Proto-Germanic *dukjan.
duck / dʌk ; NAmE dʌk / noun , verb duck ducks ducked ducking noun 1 ( plural ducks or duck ) [countable ] a common bird that lives on or near water and has short legs, webbedfeet (= feet with thin pieces of skin between the toes) and a wide beak. There are many types of duck,some of which are kept for their meat or eggs. wild ducks 野鸭 duck eggs 鸭蛋 2 [countable ] a female duck 母鸭 compare drake 3 [uncountable ] meat from a duck 鸭肉 roast duck with orange sauce 烤鸭蘸橘子酱 4 ( also duckie , ducks , ducky ) [countable ,  usually singular ] ( BrE) ( informal) a friendly way of addressing sb (表示友好的称呼)乖乖,宝贝儿 Anything else, duck? 还有别的事吗,宝贝儿? compare dear , love 5 a duck [singular ] (in cricket 板球 ) a batsman'sscore of zero 零分 He was out for a duck. 他因得了零分而出局。 see also lame duck , sitting duck IDIOMS get/have (all) your ˌducks in a ˈrow ( especially NAmE) to have made all the preparations needed to do sth; to be well organized 为某事做充分准备;把事情安排得井井有条 (take to sth) like a ˌduck to ˈwater (to become used to sth) very easily, without any problems or fears 像鸭子入水般容易,轻而易举,毫不困难,毫无畏惧(习惯于某事) She has taken to teaching like a duck to water. 她教起书来驾轻就熟。 more at dead adj. , water n. verb 1 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to move your head or body downwards to avoid being hit or seen 低下头,弯下身(以免被打中或看见) He had to duck as he came through the door. 他穿过门口时得弯下身来。 duck(down) (behind/under sth) We ducked down behind the wall so they wouldn't see us. 我们弓身躲在墙后不让他们看见。 He just managed to duck out of sight. 他总算躲开了别人的视线。 ducksth She ducked her head and got into the car. 她低着头进了汽车。 2 [transitive ] ducksth to avoid sth by moving your head or body out of the way 躲闪;躲避 SYN dodge He ducked the first few blows then started to fight back. 他躲开最先几拳后便开始反击。 3 [intransitive ] + adv./prep. to move somewhere quickly, especially in order to avoid being seen 迅速行进,飞快行走(以免被看见) She ducked into the adjoining room as we came in. 我们进来时她转身躲进了隔壁房间。 4 [intransitive ,  transitive ] ( rather informal) to avoid a difficult or unpleasant duty or responsibility 逃避,回避,推脱,推诿(职责或责任) duckout of sth It's his turn to cook dinner, but I bet he'll try to duck out of it. 轮到他做饭了,但我敢打赌他会想方设法逃避的。 ducksth The government is ducking the issue. 政府是在回避这个问题。 5 ( NAmE also dunk ) [transitive ] ducksb to push sb underwater and hold them there for a short time 把…按入水中 The kids were ducking each other in the pool. 孩子们在池塘里相互把对方按入水中。 duck / dʌk ; NAmE dʌk /
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