done 英 [dʌn]   美 [dʌn]


done  英 [dʌn] 美 [dʌn]

adj. 已完成的;做好了的;煮熟的;合乎礼仪的;合乎规矩  int. 表示接受建议  v. 做(do的过去分词) 

Work is done. 工作做完了。
The meat isn't quite done yet. 这肉还不太熟。

  • Something that's done is finished, through, or over — it's no longer happening. If your final research paper is done, you've completed it.
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  • adj. 已完成的;做好了的;煮熟的;合乎礼仪的;合乎规矩
  • int. 表示接受建议
  • v. 做(do的过去分词)
  • 1. Work is done.


  • 2. The meat isn't quite done yet.


  • done past participle of do (v.); from Old English past participle gedon (a vestige of the prefix is in ado). U.S. Southern use of done in phrases like "he done gone to the store" is attested from 1827, according to OED: "a perfective auxiliary or with adverbial force in the sense 'already; completely.' " Meaning "finished" is early 15c. Slang done for "doomed" is from 1842.
done / dʌn ; NAmE dʌn / adjective , exclamation see also do 1 v., auxiliary verb adjective [not before noun ] 1 finished; completed 完毕;了结;结束 When you're done, perhaps I can say something. 等你说完,也许我可以说点什么。 donewith I'll be glad when this job is over and done with. 这个工作彻底完成后我就高兴了。 2 (of food 食物 ) cooked enough 煮熟;熟了 The meat isn't quite done yet. 这肉还不太熟。 3 ( BrE) socially acceptable, especially among people who have a strict set of social rules 合乎礼仪;合乎规矩;得体 At school, it simply wasn't done to show that you cared for anything except cricket. 在学校里,除了板球外,你对什么都不感兴趣,这显然不对。 IDIOMS be ˈdone for ( informal) to be in a very bad situation; to be certain to fail 处境艰难;注定完蛋;肯定不行 Unless we start making some sales, we're done for. 如果我们还卖不出去,那我们就完了。 When he pointed the gun at me, I thought I was done for (= about to die). 他把枪对准我时,我还以为我死定了。 be/get ˈdone for sth/for doing sth ( BrE) ( informal) to be caught and punished for doing sth illegal but not too serious 因轻微违法行为受罚 I got done for speeding on my way back. 我在返回的路上因超速行驶而受罚。 be done ˈin ( informal) to be extremely tired 累得够受;精疲力竭 SYN be exhausted be the ˌdone ˈthing ( BrE) to be socially acceptable behaviour 是合乎礼仪的行为;是得体的行为 be/have ˈdone with sb/sth to have finished dealing with sb, or doing or using sth 与(某人)断绝关系;做完(某事);用完(某物) If you've done with that magazine, can I have a look at it? 如果你已看完那本杂志,给我看看行吗? a ˌdone ˈdeal an agreement or a plan that has been finally completed or agreed 达成的协议;决定了的计划 The merger is by no means a done deal yet. 合并之事远未成定局。 done and ˈdusted ( BrE) ( informal) completely finished 完全结束;彻底完成 That's my article for the magazine done and dusted. 这就是我为该杂志写的文章,已经脱稿。 have ˈdone with it ( BrE) to do sth unpleasant as quickly as possible, so that it is finished 赶快了结,尽快做完(令人不愉快的事) Why not tell her you're quitting and have done with it? 为什么不告诉她你打算辞职,尽快把这件事了结呢? more at easy adv. , hard adv. , soon exclamation used to show that you accept an offer (接受提议)行,好 ‘I'll give you £800 for it.’ ‘Done!’ “我出 800 英镑买它。”“成交!” done / dʌn ; NAmE dʌn /
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