doe 英 [dəʊ]   美 [doʊ]


doe  英 [dəʊ] 美 [doʊ]

n. 母鹿;[脊椎] 雌兔 


So Here lies John doe except not here any place but here which is why of course the interest of the word lies is so interesting. 约翰·杜长眠于此中,此处是指,除了所说此处的任何一处,当然,这也就使得,躺在,一词的利害关系变得格外有趣。
In fact if you think about it it's altogether possible that John doe could be absolutely anywhere except precisely here because where the sentence is we know John doe not to be. 实际上,请你想想,约翰·杜完全可能,长眠在除了这句话所在的,这里,之外的任何地方,因为句子在碑上刻着,我们都知道约翰·杜不在那。

  • A doe is a deer, a female deer. Doe can also refer to the female of other animals, but it’s usually a deer. You might spot a doe in the spring, walking through the woods with her babies.
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  • n. 母鹿;[脊椎] 雌兔
  • 1. So Here lies John doe except not here any place but here which is why of course the interest of the word lies is so interesting.


  • 2. In fact if you think about it it's altogether possible that John doe could be absolutely anywhere except precisely here because where the sentence is we know John doe not to be.


  • 3. The U.S. Department of Energy (doe) is coming out with revised guidelines to help companies, farmers and institutions better manage their own efforts to monitor and report greenhouse gas emissions.


DOE / ˌdiː əʊ ˈiː ; NAmE / abbreviation Department of Energy(the US government department that plans and controls the development of the country's sources of energy) (美国)能源部 DOE / ˌdiː əʊ ˈiː ; NAmE / doe / dəʊ ; NAmE doʊ / noun a female deer, rabbitor hare 雌鹿;雌兔 compare buck  (2 ) , hind , stag doe does doe / dəʊ ; NAmE doʊ /
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