classic 英 [ˈklæsɪk]   美 [ ˈklæsɪk]


classic  英 [ˈklæsɪk] 美 [ ˈklæsɪk]

adj. 经典的;古典的  n. 名著;杰作;典范 


a classic novel 经典小说
a classic example of poor communication 缺乏沟通的典型实例

  • The noun classic means something that's very high quality, particularly if it has lasting value. The pristine Model T Ford that you keep in your garage is a classic, but the beat up old Honda you drive everyday is not.
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  • adj. 经典的;古典的
  • n. 名著;杰作;典范
  • 1. a classic novel


  • 2. a classic example of poor communication


  • 3. She displayed the classic symptoms of depression.


  • 4. a classic grey suit


  • 5. classic design


  • 6. English classics such as ‘Alice in Wonderland’


  • 7. The novel may become a modern classic.


  • 8. That match was a classic.


  • 9. a classic movie, a classic work


  • classic (adj.) 1610s, "of or belonging to the highest class; approved as a model," from French classique (17c.), from Latin classicus "relating to the (highest) classes of the Roman people," hence, "superior," from classis (see class (n.)). Originally in English, "of the first class;" meaning "belonging to or characteristic of standard authors of Greek and Roman antiquity" is attested from 1620s.
  • classic (n.) "a Greek or Roman writer or work," 1711, from classic (adj.). So, by mid-18c., any work or author in any context held to have a similar quality or relationship; an artist or literary production of the first rank. In classical Latin the noun use of classicus meant "a marine" (miles classicus) from the "military division" sense of classis.
clas·sic AWL / ˈklæsɪk ; NAmE ˈklæsɪk / adjective , noun classic classics adjective [usually before noun ] 1 accepted or deserving to be accepted as one of the best or most important of its kind 最优秀的;第一流的 a classic novel/study/goal 最佳小说╱研究╱进球 2 ( also clas·sic·al ) with all the features you would expect to find; very typical 有特点的;有代表性的;典型的 a classic exampleof poor communication 缺乏沟通的典型实例 She displayed the classic symptoms of depression. 她显现出了抑郁症的典型症状。 I made the classic mistake of clapping in a pause in the music! 我在乐曲演奏暂停的间歇鼓起掌来,真是大错特错! 3 elegant, but simple and traditional in style or design; not affected by changes in fashion (风格或设计)典雅的,古朴的;传统的 a classic grey suit 一套典雅的灰色服装 classic design 古朴典雅的设计 classic cars (= cars which are no longer made, but which are still popular) 古典雅致的老式车 4 ( informal) people say That's classic!when they find sth very amusing, when they think sb has been very stupid or when sth annoying, but not surprising, happens 惹笑的;愚蠢(或令人讨厌)而又不足为奇的 She's not going to help? Oh, that's classic! 她不来帮忙?哦,那不足为奇! noun 1 [countable ] a book, film/movie or song which is well known and considered to be of very high quality, setting standards for other books, etc. (书、电影或歌曲的)经典作品,名著,杰作 English classics such as ‘Alice in Wonderland’ 英语经典作品如《艾丽丝漫游奇境记》 The novel may become a modern classic. 这部小说可能会成为现代名著。 2 [countable ] a thing that is an excellent example of its kind 优秀的典范 That match was a classic. 那场比赛堪称经典。 3 Classics [uncountable ] the study of ancient Greek and Roman culture, especially their languages and literature 古希腊与古罗马的文化研究(尤指对其语言与文学的研究) a degree in Classics 古希腊与古罗马文化研究的学位 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析 classic / classical These adjectives are frequently used with the following nouns. 以上形容词常与下列名词连用: classic ~ classical ~ example music case ballet novel architecture work scholar car period Classicdescribes something that is accepted as being of very high quality and one of the best of its kind. *classic 指经典的、优秀的、一流的: a classic movie/work 经典影片╱作品 It is also used to describe a typical example of something 该词亦可表示典型的: a classic example/mistake 典型的例子╱错误 or something elegant but simple and traditional. 或表示古典的、典雅的: classic design 典雅的设计 Classicaldescribes a form of traditional Western music and other things that are traditional in style. *classical 表示西方古典音乐及其他传统的事物: a classical composer 古典派作曲家 a classical theory 古典学说 It is also used to talk about things that are connected with the culture of Ancient Greece and Rome. 该词亦用于指与古希腊和古罗马文化有关的事物: a classical scholar 古典学者 classical mythology 古典神话 clas·sic / ˈklæsɪk ; NAmE ˈklæsɪk /
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