clarification 英 [,klærɪfɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n]   美 [,klærəfə'keʃən]


clarification  英 [,klærɪfɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n] 美 [,klærəfə'keʃən]

n. 澄清,说明;净化 


The whole issue needs clarification. 整个问题都需要澄清.
After I read this clause, I feel it needs some clarification. 读过这一条款后, 我觉得有不要说明一下.

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  • n. 澄清,说明;净化
  • 1. The whole issue needs clarification.


  • 2. After I read this clause, I feel it needs some clarification.

    读过这一条款后, 我觉得有不要说明一下.

  • 3. In this context I will like to make a clarification.


  • 4. I am seeking clarification of the regulations.


  • clarification (n.) 1610s, "act of clearing or refining" (especially of liquid substances), from French clarification, from Late Latin clarificationem (nominative clarificatio), noun of action from past participle stem of clarificare "to make clear" (see clarify). The meaning "statement revising or expanding an earlier statement but stopping short of a correction" is attested by 1969, originally in newspapers.
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