ciprofloxacin [,siprəu'flɔksəsin]  


ciprofloxacin  [,siprəu'flɔksəsin]

n. 环丙沙星;环丙氟哌酸;悉复欢;全复康(药物名) 


Today, he says, as many as 30 per cent of hospital patients tested have E. coli that fails to respond to ciprofloxacin. 他说,如今对医院患者进行检验,其中至多有30%患者的大肠杆菌对环丙沙星不敏感。
ciprofloxacin could result in impainnent of the patients ability to drive or operate machinary, particularly in conjunction with alcohol. 环丙沙星能损害人们驾驶汽车或操纵机器的能力,尤其是在饮酒之后。

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  • n. 环丙沙星;环丙氟哌酸;悉复欢;全复康(药物名)
  • 1. Today, he says, as many as 30 per cent of hospital patients tested have E. coli that fails to respond to ciprofloxacin.


  • 2. ciprofloxacin could result in impainnent of the patients ability to drive or operate machinary, particularly in conjunction with alcohol.


  • 3. The antibiotic ciprofloxacin is used throughout the world to treat bacterial infections, including pneumonia, urinary tract infections and sexually transmitted diseases.


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