chicken 英 [ˈtʃɪkɪn]   美 [ˈtʃɪkən]


chicken  英 [ˈtʃɪkɪn] 美 [ˈtʃɪkən]

n. 鸡肉;小鸡; 


Yes, it tastes like chicken. 是的,它的味道像鸡。
They keep chickens in the back yard. 他们在后院养鸡。

  • A chicken is a domesticated bird that is raised on farms for meat or eggs. Many cities allow people to keep a few chickens in their yards as pets and egg layers.
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  • n. 鸡肉;小鸡;
  • 1. Yes, it tastes like chicken.


  • 2. They keep chickens in the back yard.


  • 3. fried chicken,roast chicken


  • 4. chicken breasts


  • 5. chicken and chips


  • chicken (n.) Old English cicen (plural cicenu) "young of the domestic hen, the young of any bird;" by early Middle English, "any chicken," regardless of age, from Proto-Germanic *kiukinam (source also of Middle Dutch kiekijen, Dutch kieken, Old Norse kjuklingr, Swedish kyckling, German Küken "chicken"), from root *keuk- (echoic of the bird's sound and possibly also the root of cock (n.1)) + diminutive suffixes.
  • chicken (v.) "to back down or fail through cowardice," 1943, U.S. slang, from chicken (n.), almost always with out (adv.). Related: Chickened; chickening.
chick·en / ˈtʃɪkɪn ; NAmE ˈtʃɪkɪn / noun , verb , adjective chicken chickens chickened chickening noun 1 [countable ] a large bird that is often kept for its eggs or meat They keep chickens in the back yard. 他们在后院养鸡。 free-range chickens 自由放养的鸡 compare cock , hen 2 [uncountable ] meat from a chicken 鸡肉 fried/roast chicken 炸╱烧鸡 chicken stock/soup 原汁鸡汤;鸡汤 chicken breasts/livers/thighs 鸡胸脯肉╱肝╱大腿 chicken and chips 炸鸡块配炸薯条 see also spring chicken IDIOMS a ˌchicken-and-ˈegg situation, problem, etc. a situation in which it is difficult to tell which one of two things was the cause of the other 鸡与蛋孰先难定的情况;因果难定的问题 play ˈchicken to play a game in which people do sth dangerous for as long as they can to show how brave they are. The person who stops first has lost the game. 比试胆量 more at count v. , headless , home adv. verb PHRASAL VERB ˌchicken ˈout (of sth/of doing sth) ( informal) to decide not to do sth because you are afraid 因害怕而放弃;临阵退缩;胆怯 adjective [not before noun ] ( informal) not brave; afraid to do sth 胆怯;懦弱;怯懦 SYN cowardly chick·en / ˈtʃɪkɪn ; NAmE ˈtʃɪkɪn /
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