certainty 英 [ˈsɜ:tnti]   美 [ˈsɜrtnti]


certainty  英 [ˈsɜ:tnti] 美 [ˈsɜrtnti]

n. 必然;确实;确实的事情 


And, if we know it for a certainty, how do we know it? 如果我们确实知道这些情况,我们又是如何得知的呢?
Even humiliated, the flesh is my only certainty. I can live only on it. 即使它被羞辱过,但血肉仍然是我唯一的必然,我只能依赖它。

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  • n. 必然;确实;确实的事情
  • 1. And, if we know it for a certainty, how do we know it?


  • 2. Even humiliated, the flesh is my only certainty. I can live only on it.


  • 3. He spoke with clearness and certainty.


  • certainty (n.) c. 1300, certeynte, "surety, pledge," from Anglo-French certeinté (late 13c.), Old French certainete "certainty," from Latin or Vulgar Latin *certanitatem (source of Old Spanish certanedad), from Vulgar Latin *certanus (see certain). Meaning "that which is certain, a clear fact or truth" is attested from early 14c.; meaning "quality or fact of being certain; full assurance of mind, exemption from doubt" is from early 15c.
cer·tainty / ˈsɜːtnti ; NAmE ˈsɜːrtnti / noun ( plural cer·tainties ) 1 [countable ] a thing that is certain 确实的事;必然的事 political/moral certainties 政治上╱道德上确定无疑的事 Her return to the team now seems a certainty. 她的归队现在似乎已成定局。 2 [uncountable ] the state of being certain 确信;确实;确定性 There is no certainty that the president's removal would end the civil war. 总统下台是否会结束内战现在还很难说。 I can't say withany certaintywhere I'll be next week. 我不能说准我下周会在什么地方。 certainty certainties cer·tainty / ˈsɜːtnti ; NAmE ˈsɜːrtnti /
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