cell 英 [sel]   美 [sɛl]


cell  英 [sel] 美 [sɛl]

n. 细胞;小组,基层组织;电池 


blood cells 血细胞
a terrorist cell 恐怖分子小组

  • Cell has several different meanings, but all of them are similar. Whether it's in a prison or in your blood (or even in the political landscape), a cell is a small room, space, or unit.
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  • n. 细胞;小组,基层组织;电池
  • 1. blood cells


  • 2. a terrorist cell


  • 3. a photoelectric cell


  • cell (n.) early 12c., "small monastery, subordinate monastery" (from Medieval Latin in this sense), later "small room for a monk or a nun in a monastic establishment; a hermit's dwelling" (c. 1300), from Latin cella "small room, store room, hut," related to Latin celare "to hide, conceal," from PIE root *kel-(1) "to cover, conceal, save."
cell / sel ; NAmE sel / noun 1 a room for one or more prisoners in a prison or police station 单间牢房;牢房 see also padded cell 2 a small room without much furniture in which a monkor nunlives (修道士或修女住的)小房间 3 the smallest unit of living matter that can exist on its own. All plants and animals are made up of cells. 细胞 blood cells 血细胞 the nucleus of a cell 细胞核 see also stem cell 4 each of the small sections that together form a larger structure, for example a honeycomb (大结构中的)小隔室(如蜂房巢室) 5 a device for producing an electric current, for example by the action of chemicals or light 电池 a photoelectric cell 光电池 6 a small group of people who work as part of a larger political organization, especially secretly (尤指秘密的)政治小组,基层组织 a terrorist cell 恐怖分子小组 7 one of the small squares in a spreadsheetcomputer program in which you enter a single piece of data (计算机电子表格的)单元格 8 ( informal) ( especially NAmE) = cell phone cell cells cell / sel ; NAmE sel /
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