can 英 [kæn]   美 [kæn]


can  英 [kæn] 美 [kæn]

aux. 能; 能够; 可以;   n. 罐头; 

进行时:  过去式:could  过去分词:  第三人称单数:can  名词复数:cans 

Bird can fly. 鸟能飞。
What can I do for you? 我能帮你什么忙吗?

  • A can is a metal container, usually cylindrical in shape, which has an airtight seal when it's new. All kinds of goods come in cans, from fruit and vegetables to paint and oil.
  • 请先登录
  • aux. 能; 能够; 可以;
  • n. 罐头;
  • 1. Bird can fly.


  • 2. What can I do for you?


  • 3. Do it as you can.


  • 4. a can of beans


  • 5. an oil can


can 2 / kæn ; NAmE kæn / noun , verb see also can 1 can cans canned canning noun 1 ( BrE also tin ) [countable ] a metal container in which food and drink is sold (盛食品或饮料的)金属罐 a can of beans 豆罐头 a beer/paint can 啤酒罐;漆筒 HELP  In NAmE canis the usual word used for both food and drink. In BrE canis always used for drink, but tinor cancan be used for food, paint, etc. 美式英语中,can 一词通常用于食品和饮料。英式英语中,can 一词总是用于饮料,而 tin 或 can 可用于食品、涂料等。 2 [countable ] the amount contained in a can 一罐(的量) We drank a can of Coke each. 我们每人喝了一罐可乐。 3 [countable ] a metal or plastic container for holding or carrying liquids (装运液体用的)金属容器,塑料容器 an oil can 油罐 a watering can 洒水壶 4 [countable ] a metal container in which liquids are kept under pressure and let out in a fine spray when you press a button on the lid 喷雾器 a can of hairspray 一瓶喷发定型剂 5 the can [singular ] ( NAmE) ( slang) prison 班房;监狱;牢房 6 the can [singular ] ( NAmE) ( slang) the toilet 茅房;厕所 IDIOMS a can of ˈworms ( informal) if you open up a can of worms,you start doing sth that will cause a lot of problems and be very difficult 棘手的问题;难题;麻烦事 be in the ˈcan ( informal) (especially of filmed or recorded material 尤指影片、录像资料 ) to be completed and ready for use 已拍摄好;录制完毕 more at carry verb ( -nn- ) 1 cansth ( especially NAmE) to preserve food by putting it in a can 把(食品)装罐保存 2 cansb ( NAmE) ( informal) to dismiss sb from their job 让…卷铺盖走人;炒…的鱿鱼 SYN fire , sack can / kæn ; NAmE kæn / can 1 / kən ; NAmE kən / / strong form kæn strong form kæn / modal verb see also can 2 ( negative can·not / ˈkænɒt ; NAmE ˈkænɑːt / , short form can't / kɑːnt ; NAmE kænt / , pt could / kəd ; NAmE kəd / / strong form kʊd ; NAmE kʊd / , negative could not , short form couldn't / ˈkʊdnt ; NAmE ˈkʊdnt / ) 1 used to say that it is possible for sb/sth to do sth, or for sth to happen (表示有能力做或能够发生)能,会 I can run fast. 我能跑得快。 Can you call back tomorrow? 明天你能回电话吗? He couldn't answer the question. 他不能回答那个问题。 The stadium can be emptied in four minutes. 这个体育场能在四分钟以内让观众全部散场。 I can't promise anything, but I'll do what I can. 我不能许诺什么,但会尽力而为。 Please let us know if you cannot attend the meeting. 你若不能参加会议,请通知我们。 2 used to say that sb knows how to do sth (表示知道如何做)懂得,会 She can speak Spanish. 她会讲西班牙语。 Can he cook? 他会做饭吗? I could drive a car before I left school. 我在中学毕业前就会开车了。 3 used with the verbs ‘feel’, ‘hear’, ‘see’, ‘smell’, ‘taste’ (与动词 feel、hear、see、smell、taste 连用) She could feel a lump in her breast. 她摸到自己的乳房上有一个肿块。 I can hear music. 我听见有音乐声。 4 used to show that sb is allowed to do sth (表示允许)可以 You can take the car, if you want. 如果想用那辆车,你就尽管用吧。 We can't wear jeans at work. 我们工作时不准穿牛仔裤。 5 ( informal) used to ask permission to do sth (请求允许)可以 Can I read your newspaper? 我可以看一下你的报纸吗? Can I take you home? 我送你回家好吗? 6 ( informal) used to ask sb to help you (请求帮助)能 Can you help me with this box? 你能帮我搬这个箱子吗? Can you feed the cat, please? 请你喂一下猫好吗? 7 used in the negative for saying that you are sure sth is not true (用于否定句,表示某事肯定不真实) That can't be Mary—she's in New York. 那不可能是玛丽 — 她在纽约呢。 He can't have slept through all that noise. 他不可能在那种闹哄哄的环境里睡好觉。 8 used to express doubt or surprise (表示疑惑或惊讶)究竟能,难道会,到底是 What can they be doing? 他们究竟在干些什么呢? Can he be serious? 他难道会当真么? Where can she have put it? 她到底把它放哪儿了呢? 9 used to say what sb/sth is often like (表示常有的行为和情形)有时会,时而可能 He can be very tactless sometimes. 他有时太莽撞。 It can be quite cold here in winter. 这里的冬天有时还真够冷的。 10 used to make suggestions (提出建议)可以 We can eat in a restaurant, if you like. 如果你愿意,我们可以去餐馆吃饭。 I can take the car if necessary. 如果必要的话,我可以乘汽车去。 11 ( informal) used to say that sb must do sth, usually when you are angry (表示对方必须做,常指说话人在生气时)必须,得 You can shut up or get out! 你给我闭嘴,要不然就滚出去! note at modal IDIOMS can't be doing with sb/sth/sb doing sth ( informal) used to say that you do not like sth and are unwilling to accept it (表示因不喜欢而不愿接受)无法接受… I can't be doing with people who complain all the time. 我无法忍受那些整天发牢骚的人。 no can ˈdo ( informal) used to say that you are not able or willing to do sth 干不了;不行;不成 Sorry, no can do. I just don't have the time. 对不起,不行。我就是没有时间。 WHICH WORD? 词语辨析 can / may Canand cannot(or can’t) are the most common words used for asking for, giving or refusing permission. *can 和 cannot (或 can't)是表示请求、给予或拒绝许可的最通用词: Can I borrow your calculator? 我可以借用你的计算器吗? You can come with us if you want to. 如果你愿意可以跟我们一起来。 You can’t park your car there. 你不能在那儿停车。 May(negative may not) is used as a polite and fairly formal way to ask for or give permission. *may (否定式 may not)用以表示礼貌的正式请求或给予许可: May I borrow your newspaper? 把你的报纸借我看行吗? You may come if you wish. 你想来的话可以来。 It is often used in official signs and rules. 该词常用于正式标志和规定: Visitors may use the swimming pool between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m. 访客从早上 7:00 到下午 7:00 可在游泳池游泳。 Students may not use the college car park. 学生不得在学院停车场停车。 The form mayn’tis hardly ever used in modern English. 现代英语几乎不用 mayn't。 GRAMMAR POINT 语法说明 can / could / be able to / manage Canis used to say that somebody knows how to do something. *can 表示懂得做: Can you play the piano? 你会弹钢琴吗? It is also used with verbs of seeing, noticing, etc. 该词亦与表示看见、注意到等动词连用: I can hear someone calling. 我听见有人在呼叫。 and with passive infinitives. 并与不定式的被动形式连用: The DVD can be rented from your local store. 这 DVD 可在你们区内的商店租借。 Canor be able toare used to say that something is possible or that somebody has the opportunity to do something. *can 或 be able to 表示某事情有可能或某人有机会做某事: Can you/are you able to come on Saturday? 你星期六能来吗? You use be able toto form the future and perfect tenses and the infinitive. 用 be able to 构成将来时、完成时和动词不定式: You’ll be able to get a taxi outside the station. 在车站外可搭乘出租车。 I haven’t been able to get much work done today. 我今天未能干多少工作。 She’d love to be able to play the piano. 她很希望能弹钢琴。 Couldis used to talk about what someone was generally able to do in the past. *could 表示过去通常能做: Our daughter could walk when she was nine months old. 我们的女儿九个月大就会走路了。 You use was/were able toor manage(but not could) when you are saying that something was possible on a particular occasion in the past. 关于在过去特定情况下可能的事用 was/were able to 或 manage,但不用 could: I was able to/managed to find some useful books in the library. 我总算在图书馆找到了一些有用的书。 I could find some useful books in the library. In negative sentences, could notcan also be used. 否定句也可用 could not: We weren’t able to/didn’t manage to/couldn’t get there in time. 我们未能及时赶到那儿。 Couldis also used with this meaning with verbs of seeing, noticing, understanding, etc. 亦可用 could 加表示看见、注意到、明白等动词表示此义: I could see there was something wrong. 我发觉出事了。 Could haveis used when you are saying that it was possible for somebody to do something in the past but they did not try. 表示过去有可能做某事但没有做,用 could have: I could have won the game but decided to let her win. 我本可以赢得那场比赛,但还是决定让她赢了。 can / kən ; NAmE kən / can·not / ˈkænɒt ; NAmE ˈkænɑːt / can't / kɑːnt ; NAmE kænt / could / kəd ; NAmE kəd / couldn't / ˈkʊdnt ; NAmE ˈkʊdnt /
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