camera 英 [ˈkæmərə]   美 [ˈkæmərə, ˈkæmrə]


camera  英 [ˈkæmərə] 美 [ˈkæmərə, ˈkæmrə]

n. 照相机;摄影机 


Is this camera new or secondhand? 这架照相机是新的还是旧的?
a TV camera,a video camera 电视摄像机;摄像机

  • A camera records images in the form of photographs, film or video. If you want evidence that you've spotted Bigfoot in the woods behind your house, you'll need a camera.
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  • n. 照相机;摄影机
  • 1. Is this camera new or secondhand?


  • 2. a TV camera,a video camera


  • 3. Are you prepared to tell your story on camera?


  • camera (n.) 1708, "vaulted building; arched roof or ceiling," from Latin camera "a vault, vaulted room" (source also of Italian camera, Spanish camara, French chambre), from Greek kamara "vaulted chamber, anything with an arched cover," which is of uncertain origin. A doublet of chamber. Old Church Slavonic komora, Lithuanian kamara, Old Irish camra all are borrowings from Latin.
cam·era / ˈkæmərə ; NAmE ˈkæmərə / noun a piece of equipment for taking photographs, moving pictures or television pictures 照相机;(电影)摄影机;(电视)摄像机 Just point the camera and press the button. 只要把照相机对准,然后按动快门就可以了。 Cameras started clicking as soon as she stepped out of the car. 她一跨出汽车,照相机就开始咔嚓咔嚓地响成一片。 a TV/video camera 电视摄像机;摄像机 a camera crew 摄制组 IDIOMS in ˈcamera ( law ) in a judge's private room, without the press or the public being present 在法官的私室里;秘密地;不公开地 The trial was held in camera. 审判秘密进行。 on ˈcamera being filmed or shown on television 在摄制中;在电视上播放 Are you prepared to tell your story on camera? 你愿意在电视上讲述你的经历吗? camera cameras cam·era / ˈkæmərə ; NAmE ˈkæmərə /
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