both 英 [bəʊθ]   美 [boʊθ]


both  英 [bəʊθ] 美 [boʊθ]

adj. 两个的;两者的  adv. 并;又;两者皆  pron. 双方都;两者都 

Both kids like painting. 两个孩子都喜欢画画。
Both women were French. 两名妇女都是法国人。

  • When you're talking about two things that go together, use the adjective both. If you put on both of your boots, you are wearing the left one and the right one.
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  • adj. 两个的;两者的
  • adv. 并;又;两者皆
  • pron. 双方都;两者都
  • conj. 既…且…
  • 1. Both kids like painting.


  • 2. Both women were French.


  • 3. Both of us were tired.


  • both (adj., pron.) "the two, the one and the other," there are several theories, all similar, and deriving the word from the tendency to say "both the." One is that it is Old English begen (masc.) "both" (from Proto-Germanic *ba, from PIE *bho "both") + -þ extended base. Another traces it to the Proto-Germanic formula represented in Old English by ba þa "both these," from ba (feminine nominative and accusative of begen) + þa, nominative and accusative plural of se "that." A third traces it to Old Norse baðir "both," from *bai thaiz "both the," from Proto-Germanic *thaiz, third person plural pronoun. Compare similar formation in Old Frisian bethe, Dutch beide, Old High German beide, German beide, Gothic bajoþs.
both / bəʊθ ; NAmE boʊθ / determiner , pronoun 1 used with plural nouns to mean ‘the two’ or ‘the one as well as the other’ (与复数名词连用)两个,两个都 Both women were French. 两名妇女都是法国人。 Both the women were French. 两名妇女都是法国人。 Both of the women were French. 两名妇女都是法国人。 I talked to the women. Both of them were French/They were both French. 我和两位妇女交谈了,她们都是法国人。 I liked them both. 他俩我都喜欢。 We were both tired. 咱俩都累了。 Both of us were tired. 咱俩都累了。 We have both seen the movie. 我们俩都看过这部电影。 I have two sisters. Both of them live in London/They both live in London. 我有两个姐妹,她俩都住在伦敦。 Both (my) sisters live in London. 我的两个姐妹都住在伦敦。 2 both… and… not only… but also… 不仅…而且…;…和…都 Both his mother and his father will be there. 他父母二人都要去那里。 For this job you will need a good knowledge of both Italian and Spanish. 担任这项工作需要精通意大利语和西班牙语。 language bank at similarly both / bəʊθ ; NAmE boʊθ /
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