bit 英 [bɪt]   美 [bɪt]


bit  英 [bɪt] 美 [bɪt]

n. [计] 比特(二进位制信息单位);少量;一点  adj. 很小的;微不足道的  adv. 有点儿;相当 


These trousers are a bit tight. 这条裤子有点紧。
It costs a bit more than I wanted to spend. 它比我预计的消费高了一点。

  • Let me give you a bit of advice: Use bit when you're talking about a small amount.
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  • n. [计] 比特(二进位制信息单位);少量;一点
  • adj. 很小的;微不足道的
  • adv. 有点儿;相当
  • vt. 咬(bite的过去式和过去分词)
  • 1. These trousers are a bit tight.


  • 2. It costs a bit more than I wanted to spend.


  • 3. Wait a bit!


  • 4. Can you move up a bit?


  • 5. Greg thought for a bit before answering.


  • 6. some useful bits of information


  • 7. With a bit of luck,we'll be there by 12.

    如果顺利点,我们将于 12 点钟赶到那里。

  • 8. a bit of cake


  • 9. bits of grass,bits of paper


  • 10. ‘How much does he earn?’ ‘Quite a bit!’


bit / bɪt ; NAmE bɪt / noun small amount 小量 1 a bit [singular ] ( used as an adverb 用作副词 ) ( especially BrE) rather 有点儿;稍微 SYN a little These trousers are a bit tight. 这条裤子有点紧。 ‘Are you tired?’ ‘Yes, I am a bit.’ “你累了吗?”“是的,有点。” It costs a bit more than I wanted to spend. 它比我预计的消费高了一点。 I can lend you fifty pounds, if you want. That should help a bit. 如果你需要,我可以借给你五十英镑。那应该有些帮助。 2 a bit [singular ] ( especially BrE) a short time or distance 稍顷;短距离 Wait a bit! 等会儿! Can you move up a bit? 你请挪过去点儿好吗? Greg thought for a bit before answering. 格雷格略微思考了一下才回答。 3 [countable ] bitof sth ( especially BrE) a small amount or piece of sth 小量;小块 some useful bits of information 一些有用的零星信息 With a bit of luck,we'll be there by 12. 如果顺利点,我们将于 12 点钟赶到那里。 I've got a bit of shopping to do. 我要买点东西。 a bit of cake 一小块饼 bits of grass/paper 些许的草;纸屑 part of sth 部份 4 [countable ] ( especially BrE) a part of sth larger (事物的)一部份,一段 The best bit of the holiday was seeing the Grand Canyon. 假期中最精彩的片段是参观大峡谷。 The school play was a huge success—the audience roared with laughter at all the funny bits. 学校的演出获得了巨大成功,所有的滑稽片段都令观众哄堂大笑。 large amount 大量 5 [singular ] a bit(of sth) ( informal) ( especially BrE) a large amount 大量 ‘How much does he earn?’ ‘Quite a bit!’ “他有多少收入?”“挺多的!” The new system will take a bit ofgetting used to (= it will take a long time to get used to). 适应新系统将需花很多时间。 computing 计算机技术 6 [countable ] the smallest unit of information used by a computer 比特,二进制位, 位元(计算机的最小信息单位) for horse 7 [countable ] a metal bar that is put in a horse's mouth so that the rider can control it 嚼子 tool 工具 8 [countable ] a tool or part of a tool for drilling(= making) holes 钻头;刀头;钎头 see also drill money 9 [countable ] ( NAmE) ( informal) an amount of money equal to 12½ cents *12.5 分;一角二分半 sexual organs 生殖器官 10 bits [plural ] ( BrE) ( informal) a person's sexual organs (人的)生殖器 see also bite , bit , bitten v. IDIOMS be in ˈbits ( BrE) ( informal) to be very sad or worried 非常难过(或焦虑) Inside I'm in bits because I miss him so much. 我内心非常难受,因为太想念他了。 the (whole)… bit ( informal, disapproving) behaviour or ideas that are typical of a particular group, type of person or activity (某团体、某类人或活动的)典型行为,特有观念 She couldn't accept the whole drug-culture bit. 她无法接受这种典型的毒品文化。 bit by ˈbit a piece at a time; gradually 一点一点地;逐渐地 He assembled the model aircraft bit by bit. 他把飞机模型一点一点地组装起来。 Bit by bit memories of the night came back to me. 我渐渐回忆起了那晚的点点滴滴。 a bit ˈmuch ( informal) not fair or not reasonable 过分;不应当;不合理 It's a bit much calling me at three in the morning. 凌晨三点钟打电话给我,太过分了。 a bit of a… ( informal) ( especially BrE) used when talking about unpleasant or negative things or ideas, to mean ‘rather a…’ (谈及负面事情时用)相当,有点儿 We may have a bit of a problem on our hands. 我们手头的问题可能有点棘手。 The rail strike is a bit of a pain. 这次铁路罢工有点头痛。 a bit of all ˈright ( BrE) ( slang) a person that you think is sexually attractive 有魅力的人;性感的人 a bit of ˈrough ( BrE) ( slang) a person of a low social class who has a sexual relationship with sb of a higher class (与社会地位较高者有性关系的)草根情人 a bit on the ˈside ( BrE) ( slang) the boyfriend or girlfriend of sb who is already married or in a steady sexual relationship with sb else 婚外情人;第三者 ˌbits and ˈpieces/ˈbobs ( BrE) ( informal) small objects or items of various kinds 零七碎八;零星物品 She stuffed all her bits and pieces into a bag and left. 她把她零零碎碎的东西都塞进了一只包里就走了。 do your ˈbit ( informal) to do your share of a task 干分内的事 We can finish this job on time if everyone does their bit. 要是每个人都尽职,我们就能按时完成这项工作。 every bit as good, bad, etc. (as sb/sth) just as good, bad, etc; equally good, bad, etc. (和某人、某事物)同样好、同样坏等 Rome is every bit as beautiful as Paris. 罗马和巴黎一样美丽。 get the bit between your teeth ( informal) to become very enthusiastic about sth that you have started to do so that you are unlikely to stop until you have finished 果断地做某事;义无反顾 not a ˈbit | not one (little) ˈbit not at all; not in any way 一点也不;毫不 ‘Are you cold?’ ‘Not a bit.’ “你冷吗?”“一点不冷。” It's not a bit of use (= there's no point in)complaining. 抱怨毫无意义。 I don't like that idea one bit. 我根本不喜欢那个主意。 not a ˈbit of it! ( informal) ( BrE) used for saying that sth that you had expected to happen did not happen (预计要发生的事)根本不是那样,压根儿没有发生 You'd think she'd be tired after the journey but not a bit of it! 你以为她旅行之后会疲劳,根本没那回事! to bits 1 into small pieces 成为碎片;变成小块 The book fell to bits in my hands. 那本书在我手中成了碎页。 She took the engine to bits, then carefully put it together again. 她把发动机拆开,又再仔细装好。 2 ( informal) very much 非常;十分 I love my kids to bits. 我非常爱我的孩子。 She was thrilled to bitswhen I said I'd come. 我说我会来,她就兴奋不已。 more at blind adj. , champ v. BRITISH/AMERICAN 英式/美式英语 a bit / a little In BrEit is common to use a bitto mean ‘slightly’ or ‘to a small extent’. 英式英语常用 a bit 表示稍微、有点儿: These shoes are a bit tight. 这鞋有点儿紧。 I’ll be a bit later home tomorrow. 明天我要晚点儿回家。 Can you turn the volume up a bit? 你能把音量开大点儿吗? It is more common in NAmEto say a little,or ( informal) a little bit.You can also use these phrases in BrE. 美式英语较常用 a little 或 a little bit (非正式),英式英语亦可以这样说: These shoes are a little bit too tight. 这鞋有点儿紧。 I’ll be a little later home tomorrow. 明天我要晚点儿回家。 Can you turn the volume up a little bit? 你能把音量开大点儿吗? bit bits bitted bitting bit / bɪt ; NAmE bɪt /
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