bellow 英 [ˈbeləʊ]   美 [ˈbeloʊ]


bellow  英 [ˈbeləʊ] 美 [ˈbeloʊ]

vt. 大声喊叫;大声发出  vi. 吼叫;怒吼;咆哮  n. 吼叫声;轰鸣声 

进行时:bellowing  过去式:bellowed  过去分词:bellowed  第三人称单数:bellows  名词复数:bellows 

R: Thank you ,Mr bellow. you'll be expected to be here then. 谢谢你BELLOW先生,期待你的到来.
R: Thank you, Mr bellow. And your arrival and departure dates? BELLOW先生谢谢你.那么你到达和离开的日期是?

  • To bellow is to shout in a deep, angry voice. If you constantly bellow at other drivers on the road, consider signing up for anger management classes.
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  • vt. 大声喊叫;大声发出
  • vi. 吼叫;怒吼;咆哮
  • n. 吼叫声;轰鸣声
  • 1. R: Thank you ,Mr bellow. you'll be expected to be here then.


  • 2. R: Thank you, Mr bellow. And your arrival and departure dates?


  • 3. Before he died in 1982, Cheever was ranked third, behind Saul bellow and John Updike, in a survey of living American writers whose work would live on for generations.


  • bellow (v.) early 14c., apparently from Old English bylgan "to bellow," from PIE root *bhel- (4) "to sound, roar." Originally of animals, especially cows and bulls; used of human beings since c. 1600. Related: Bellowed; bellowing. As a noun, "a loud, deep cry," from 1763.
bel·low / ˈbeləʊ ; NAmE ˈbeloʊ / verb 1 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to shout in a loud deep voice, especially because you are angry 大声吼叫;怒吼 SYN yell bellow(at sb) They bellowed at her to stop. 他们吼叫着让她停下。 bellowsth (at sb) The coach bellowed instructions from the sidelines. 教练在场边大声发号施令。 + speech ‘Get over here!’ he bellowed. “给我过来!”他吼道。 synonyms at shout 2 [intransitive ] when a large animal such as a bull bellows,it makes a loud deep sound (公牛等)吼叫 bel·low noun to let out a bellow of rage/pain 发出怒吼;疼痛地叫喊 bellow bellows bellowed bellowing bel·low / ˈbeləʊ ; NAmE ˈbeloʊ /
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