begin 英 [bɪˈgɪn]   美 [ˈbeɡɪn]


begin  英 [bɪˈgɪn] 美 [ˈbeɡɪn]

v. 开始 

进行时:beginning  过去式:began  过去分词:begun  第三人称单数:begins  名词复数:begins 

begin to walk 开始走路
Shall I begin? 我可以开始了吗?

  • To begin is to start. When it begins to snow, every flake looks pretty, drifting gently down from the dark sky.
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  • v. 开始
  • 1. begin to walk


  • 2. Shall I begin?


  • 3. Let's begin at page 9.

    咱们从第 9 页开始。

  • 4. She began to cry.


  • 5. When does the concert begin?


  • begin (v.) Old English beginnan "to attempt, undertake," a rare word beside the more usual form onginnan (class III strong verb; past tense ongann, past participle ongunnen); from be- + West Germanic *ginnan, which is of obscure meaning and found only in compounds, perhaps "to open, open up" (compare Old High German in-ginnan "to cut open, open up," also "begin, undertake"), with sense evolution from "open" to "begin." Cognates elsewhere in Germanic include Old Frisian biginna "to begin," Middle Dutch beghinnen, Old High German beginnan, German beginnen, Old Frisian bijenna "to begin," Gothic duginnan.
begin / bɪˈɡɪn ; NAmE bɪˈɡɪn / verb ( be·gin·ning , began / bɪˈɡæn ; NAmE bɪˈɡæn /, begun / bɪˈɡʌn ; NAmE bɪˈɡʌn / ) 1 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to start doing sth; to do the first part of sth 开始;启动 Shall I begin? 我可以开始了吗? beginat/with sth Let's begin at page 9. 咱们从第 9 页开始。 beginby doing sth She began by thanking us all for coming. 她首先对我们大家的到来表示感谢。 beginsth We began work on the project in May. 我们于五月份启动这个项目。 I began (= started reading)this novel last month and I still haven't finished it. 我上月就开始读这本小说,到现在还没读完。 beginsth at/with sth He always begins his lessons with a warm-up exercise. 他讲课前总是先让学生做预备练习题。 beginsth as sth He began his political career as a student (= when he was a student). 他从当学生时起就开始了他的政治生涯。 beginto do sth I began to feel dizzy. 我开始感到头晕目眩。 At last the guests began to arrive. 客人们终于陆续到达了。 She began to cry. 她哭起来了。 It was beginning to snow. 开始下雪了。 I was beginning to think you'd never come. 我开始以为你是不会来了。 begindoing sth Everyone began talking at once. 大家同时开始讲话。 When will you begin recruiting? 你们何时开始招募人员? synonyms at start language bank at first 2 [intransitive ] to start to happen or exist, especially from a particular time 起始;开始存在(或进行) When does the concert begin? 音乐会什么时间开始? Work on the new bridge is due to begin in September. 新桥定于九月份动工。 The evening began well. 晚会开始得很顺利。 3 [intransitive ] beginas sth to be sth first, before becoming sth else 起初是;本来是 He began as an actor, before starting to direct films. 他先是当演员,后来开始执导影片。 What began as a minor scuffle turned into a full-scale riot. 最初的小冲突演变成了大规模的暴乱。 4 [intransitive ] to have sth as the first part or the point where sth starts (从…)开始;(以…)为起点 Where does Europe end and Asia begin? 欧洲和亚洲的交界处在哪里? beginwith sth Use ‘an’ before words beginning with a vowel. 在以元音开始的词之前使用 an。 ‘I'm thinking of a country in Asia.’ ‘What does it begin with (= what is the first letter)? “我在想一个亚洲国家。”“它的首字母是什么?” Each chapter begins with a quotation. 每一章的开头都有一条引语。 beginat… The path begins at Livingston village. 这条小路始于利文斯顿村。 5 [transitive ] + speech to start speaking 开始讲话 ‘Ladies and gentlemen,’ he began, ‘welcome to the Town Hall.’ 他开始讲话:“女士们、先生们,欢迎光临市政厅。” 6 [intransitive ,  transitive ] to start or make sth start for the first time 创始;创办 The school began in 1920, with only ten pupils. 这所学校创建于 1920 年,当时只有十名学生。 beginsth He began a new magazine on post-war architecture. 他创办了一份专论战后建筑的新杂志。 7 [transitive ] not ~ to do sth to make no attempt to do sth or have no chance of doing sth 不想;绝不能 I can't begin tothank you enough. 我说不尽对你的感激。 He didn't even begin to understand my problem. 他完全没有弄明白我的问题。 IDIOM to beˈgin with 1 at first 起初;开始 I found it tiring to begin with but I soon got used to it. 我起初觉得很累,但不久便适应了。 We'll go slowly to begin with. 我们开始时会慢慢来的。 2 used to introduce the first point you want to make 首先;第一点 ‘What was it you didn't like?’ ‘Well, to begin with, our room was far too small.’ “你不喜欢的是什么呢?”“唔,首先是,我们的屋子太小了。” more at charity WHICH WORD? 词语辨析 begin / start There is not much difference in meaning between beginand start,though startis more common in spoken English. *begin 和 start 的含义差别不大,不过 start 较常用于英语口语: What time does the concert start/begin? 音乐会什么时候开场? She started/began working here three months ago. 她三个月前开始在这儿工作。 Beginis often used when you are describing a series of events. *begin 常用以指一系列事情的开始: The story begins on the island of Corfu. 故事从科孚岛上开始。 Start,but not begin,can also mean ‘to start a journey’, ‘to start something happening’ or ‘to start a machine working’. *start 亦含出发、使发生、使(机器)运转之意,begin 不含此义: We’ll need to start at 7.00. 我们需要在 7 点钟出发。 Who do you think started the fire? 你看是谁点的火? The car won’t start. 汽车发动不起来。 You can use either an infinitive or a form with -ingafter beginand start,with no difference in meaning. *begin 和 start 之后接动词不定式或 -ing 形式均可,在意义上无差别: I didn’t start worrying/to worry until she was 2 hours late. 她晚了两小时后我才开始担忧起来。 After the forms beginningand starting,the -ingform of the verb is not normally used. *beginning 和 starting 之后一般不用动词的 -ing 形式: It’s starting/beginning to rain. 开始下雨了。 It’s starting/beginning raining. begin begins began beginning begun begin / bɪˈɡɪn ; NAmE bɪˈɡɪn / began / bɪˈɡæn ; NAmE bɪˈɡæn / begun / bɪˈɡʌn ; NAmE bɪˈɡʌn /
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