bamboo 英 [ˌbæmˈbu:]   美 [bæmˈbu]


bamboo  英 [ˌbæmˈbu:] 美 [bæmˈbu]

n. 竹,竹子 


a bamboo grove 竹林
a bamboo chair 竹椅

  • Bamboo is a woody plant with a hollow stem that's in the grass family. When bamboo is harvested and processed, it can be used to make things like flooring, paper, and chopsticks.
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  • n. 竹,竹子
  • 1. a bamboo grove


  • 2. a bamboo chair


  • 3. Everything there is made of bamboo.


  • 4. bamboo shoots


  • bamboo (n.) type of giant grass common in the tropics, 1590s, from Dutch bamboe and/or Portuguese bambu, earlier mambu (16c.), probably from Malay (Austronesian) samambu, though some suspect this is itself an imported word, perhaps from Kanarese (Dravidian). Bamboo curtain in reference to communist China (based on iron curtain) is from 1949.
bam·boo / ˌbæmˈbuː ; NAmE ˌbæmˈbuː / noun [countable ,  uncountable ] ( plural bam·boos ) a tall tropical plant that is a member of the grass family and has hard hollow stemsthat are used for making furniture, poles, etc. 竹;竹子 a bamboo grove 竹林 a bamboo chair 竹椅 bamboo shoots (= young bambooplants that can be eaten) 竹笋 bamboo bamboos bam·boo / ˌbæmˈbuː ; NAmE ˌbæmˈbuː /
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