available 英 [əˈveɪləbl]   美 [əˈveləbəl]


available  英 [əˈveɪləbl] 美 [əˈveləbəl]

adj. 可获得的;可得的 

available resources,available facilities 可利用的资源╱设备
When will the information be made available? 何时才可以了解到情况?

  • "Is this seat available?" "Are you available, or are you married?" As you can tell from these two examples, available means "not busy or not taken."
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  • adj. 可获得的;可得的
  • 1. available resources,available facilities


  • 2. When will the information be made available?


  • 3. Further information is available on request.


  • 4. This was the only room available.


  • 5. Will she be available this afternoon?


  • 6. The director was not available for comment.


  • 7. This offer is subject to availability.


  • available (adj.) mid-15c., "beneficial," also "valid, effective, capable of producing the desired effect," from avail + -able. Meaning "at one's disposal, capable of being made use of" is recorded from 1827. Related: Availably.
avail·able AWL / əˈveɪləbl ; NAmE əˈveɪləbl / adjective 1 (of things 东西 ) that you can get, buy or find 可获得的;可购得的;可找到的 available resources/facilities 可利用的资源╱设备 readily/freely/publicly/generally available 可以容易╱免费╱让公众╱普遍得到的 Tickets are available free of charge from the school. 学校有免费票。 When will the information be made available? 何时才可以了解到情况? Further information is available on request. 详情备索。 This was the only room available. 这是唯一可用的房间。 We'll send you a copy as soon as it becomes available. 一有货我们就会给你寄一本去。 Every available doctor was called to the scene. 所有能找到的医生都被召集到了现场。 2 (of a person ) free to see or talk to people 有空的 Will she be available this afternoon? 今天下午她有空吗? The director was not available for comment. 主管没有时间发表意见。 avail·abil·ity AWL / əˌveɪləˈbɪləti ; NAmE əˌveɪləˈbɪləti / noun [uncountable ] the availability of cheap flights 有廉价机票出售 ( BrE) This offer is subject to availability. 优惠至此产品售完为止。 availability availabilities avail·able / əˈveɪləbl ; NAmE əˈveɪləbl / avail·abil·ity / əˌveɪləˈbɪləti ; NAmE əˌveɪləˈbɪləti /
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