attractive 英 [əˈtræktɪv]   美 [əˈtræktɪv]


attractive  英 [əˈtræktɪv] 美 [əˈtræktɪv]

adj. 吸引人的;有魅力的; 

an attractive woman 妩媚的女人
a big house with an attractive garden 带有美丽花园的一所巨宅

  • Anybody or anything that's attractive is visually pleasing or draws you in.
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  • adj. 吸引人的;有魅力的;
  • 1. an attractive woman


  • 2. a big house with an attractive garden


  • 3. an attractive offer,an attractive proposition


  • 4. The room is arranged very attractively.


  • 5. attractively priced hotel rooms


  • attractive (adj.) late 14c., "absorptive," from Old French atractif "having the power to attract" (14c.), from attract-, past participle stem of Latin attrahere (see attract). Meaning "having the quality of drawing people's eye or interest" is from 1580s; sense of "pleasing, alluring" is from c. 1600. Related: Attractively; attractiveness.
at·tract·ive / əˈtræktɪv ; NAmE əˈtræktɪv / adjective 1 (of a person ) pleasant to look at, especially in a sexual way 性感的;妩媚的;英俊的;诱人的 an attractive woman 妩媚的女人 I like John but I don't find him attractivephysically. 我喜欢约翰,不过我认为他长得并不英俊。 synonyms at beautiful 2 (of a thing or a place 物或地方 ) pleasant 吸引人的;令人愉快的 a big house with an attractive garden 带有美丽花园的一所巨宅 That's one of the less attractive aspects of her personality. 那是她个性中不太讨人喜欢的一面。 3 having features or qualities that make sth seem interesting and worth having (事物)有吸引力的;诱人的 SYN appealing an attractive offer/proposition 诱人的提议 OPP unattractive at·tract·ive·ly / əˈtræktɪvli ; NAmE əˈtræktɪvli / adverb The room is arranged very attractively. 这个房间布置得十分宜人。 attractively priced hotel rooms 价格诱人的旅馆房间 at·tract·ive·ness / əˈtræktɪvnəs ; NAmE əˈtræktɪvnəs / noun [uncountable ] the attractiveness of travelling abroad 国外旅游的吸引力 at·tract·ive / əˈtræktɪv ; NAmE əˈtræktɪv / at·tract·ive·ly / əˈtræktɪvli ; NAmE əˈtræktɪvli / at·tract·ive·ness / əˈtræktɪvnəs ; NAmE əˈtræktɪvnəs /
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