art 英 [ɑ:t]   美 [ɑrt]


art  英 [ɑ:t] 美 [ɑrt]

n. 艺术 


modernart, American art 现代/美国艺术
an art gallery, an art exhibition 美术馆╱展览

  • Art is the expression of ideas and emotions through a physical medium, like painting, sculpture, film, dance, writing, photography, or theatre. If you love the creative process, maybe you'll devote your life to art.
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  • n. 艺术
  • 1. modernart, American art


  • 2. an art gallery, an art exhibition


  • 3. She's good at art and design.


  • 4. an arts degree


art / ɑːt ; NAmE ɑːrt / noun , verb art arts noun 1 [uncountable ] the use of the imagination to express ideas or feelings, particularly in painting, drawing or sculpture 艺术,美术(尤指绘画、雕刻、雕塑) modern/contemporary/American art 现代╱当代╱美国艺术 an art critic/historian/lover 艺术批评家╱史家╱爱好者 Can we call television art? 我们能把电视称作艺术吗? stolen works of art 被盗艺术品 Her performance displayed great art. 她的表演展现了精湛的技艺。 see also clip art , fine art 2 [uncountable ] examples of objects such as paintings, drawings or sculptures 艺术作品;美术作品 an art gallery/exhibition 美术馆╱展览 a collection of art and antiques 一批收藏的艺术品和古董 3 [uncountable ] the skill of creating objects such as paintings and drawings, especially when you study it 艺术技巧 She's good at art and design. 她擅长美术和设计。 an art teacher/student/college/class 美术教师╱学生╱学院╱班 4 the arts [plural ] art, music, theatre, literature, etc. when you think of them as a group (统称)艺术 lottery funding for the arts 为艺术筹集资金的彩票 see also performing arts 5 [countable ] a type of visualor performing art 表演艺术 Dance is a very theatrical art. 舞蹈是非常讲究舞台感的一种艺术。 6 [countable ,  usually plural ] the subjects you can study at school or university that are not scientific, such as languages, history or literature 人文科学,文科(如语言、历史、文学) an arts degree 文科学位 compare science3 () 7 [countable ,  uncountable ] an ability or a skill that you can develop with training and practice 技能;技术;技巧 a therapist trained in the art of healing 接受过治疗技术训练的治疗员 Letter-writing is a lost art nowadays. 当今尺牍是一种已消失的技巧。 Appearing confident at interviews is quite an art (= rather difficult). 面试时表现出充满信心是一门很高的艺术。 IDIOMsee fine adj. verb thou art ( old use) used to mean ‘you are’, when talking to one person (即 you are,对一人讲话时用) COLLOCATIONS 词语搭配 Fine arts 艺术 Creating art 艺术创作 makea work of art/a drawing/a sketch/a sculpture/a statue/engravings/etchings/prints 创作艺术品;绘画;画素描;创作雕塑/雕像/雕版印刷品/蚀刻画/版画 doan oil painting/a self-portrait/a line drawing/a rough sketch 画油画/自画像/线条画/草图 createa work of art/an artwork/paintings and sculptures 创作一件艺术品/绘画和雕塑 producepaintings/portraits/oil sketches/his most celebrated work/a series of prints 创作绘画/肖像画/油画速写/他最知名的作品/一组版画 painta picture/landscape/portrait/mural/in oils/in watercolours/( especially US) in watercolors/on canvas 画画/风景画/肖像/壁画/油画/水彩画/帆布画 drawa picture/a portrait/a cartoon/a sketch/a line/a figure/the human form/in charcoal/in ink 画画/肖像/漫画/素描/线条/形体/人形/木炭画/墨水画 sketcha preliminary drawing/a figure/a shape 勾勒草图/形体/图形 carvea figure/an image/a sculpture/an altarpiece/reliefs/a block of wood 雕刻形体/形象/雕塑/祭坛画/浮雕/一块木头 sculpta portrait bust/a statue/an abstract figure 雕刻半身像/塑像/抽象形体 etcha line/a pattern/a design/a name into the glass 蚀刻线条/图案/图样/名字在玻璃杯上 mixcolours/( especially US) colors/pigments/paints 调色;调颜料 add/applythin/thick layers of paint/colour/( especially US) color/pigment 加上薄薄/厚厚几层颜料 useoil pastels/charcoal/acrylic paint/a can of spray paint 使用彩笔/木炭笔/丙烯酸颜料/一罐喷雾颜料 work inbronze/ceramics/stone/oils/pastels/watercolour/a wide variety of media 用青铜/陶瓷/石头/油彩/蜡笔/水彩/各种各样的材料制作艺术品 Describing art 描述艺术 paint/depicta female figure/a biblical scene/a pastoral landscape/a domestic interior 描绘女性形体/与《圣经》有关的场景/田园风光/室内装饰 depict/illustratea traditional/mythological/historical/religious theme 描述/阐释传统的/神话的/历史的/宗教的主题 createan abstract composition/a richly textured surface/a distorted perspective 设计抽象的艺术构图/丰富的层次/视觉扭曲效果 paintdark/rich/skin/flesh tones 漆成深色/浓重的颜色/肤色/肉色 usebroad brush strokes/loose brushwork/vibrant colours/a limited palette/simple geometric forms 用粗笔线条/散漫的笔法/鲜艳的颜色/有限的色调/简单的几何图形 develop/adopt/paint ina stylized manner/an abstract style 用非写实手法/抽象方式阐明/采用/描绘 Showing and selling art 艺术品展示及销售 commissionan altarpiece/a bronze bust of sb/a portrait/a religious work/an artist to paint sth 委托创作一幅祭坛画/一座某人的半身铜像/一幅肖像画/一件宗教艺术品;委托艺术家为某物作画 framea painting/portrait 给一幅画/肖像画镶框 hangart/a picture/a painting 悬挂艺术品/图画/画作 display/exhibitmodern art/sb's work/a collection/original artwork/drawings/sculptures/a piece 陈列/展出现代艺术品/某人的作品/收藏品/艺术真品/图画/雕塑/一件艺术品 be displayed/hungin a gallery/museum 在美术馆/博物馆展出 install/placea sculpture in/at/on sth 在某处安放一座雕塑 erect/unveila bronze/marble/life-size statue 竖立/揭幕一座铜像/大理石像/与真人一样大的雕像 hold/host/mount/open/curate/see( especially BrE) an exhibition/( NAmE usually) exhibit 举办/主持/筹办/举行/组织/观看展览 be/go on( BrE) exhibition/( NAmE) exhibit 参展 feature/promote/showcasea conceptual artist/contemporary works 重点介绍/宣传/展示一位概念派艺术家/当代作品 collectAfrican art/modern British paintings/Japanese prints 收藏非洲艺术品/现代英国绘画/日本版画 restore/preservea fresco/great works of art 修复/保护湿壁画/伟大的艺术品 art / ɑːt ; NAmE ɑːrt /
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