animosity 英 [ˌænɪˈmɒsəti]   美 [ˌænɪˈmɑsəti]


animosity  英 [ˌænɪˈmɒsəti] 美 [ˌænɪˈmɑsəti]

n. 憎恶,仇恨,敌意 


That animosity should not be overstated. 这种敌意不应被夸大。
When I came to have feelings just like those foreigners, I realized that on the inside, it felt more like animosity. 当我也有了其他外国人那样的感受时,我意识到在自己内心,我的感受更像是憎恶。

  • Animosity is hatred. If your (supposed) best buddy embarrasses you in front of a big crowd, your friendship could turn into animosity.
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  • n. 憎恶,仇恨,敌意
  • 1. That animosity should not be overstated.


  • 2. When I came to have feelings just like those foreigners, I realized that on the inside, it felt more like animosity.


  • 3. Given the delay in the release of an official version of AirSea Battle, it seems that the Pentagon would like to tone down the animosity─at least publicly.


  • animosity (n.) early 15c., "vigor, bravery" (a sense now obsolete), from Old French animosité (14c.) or directly from Latin animositatem (nominative animositas) "boldness, vehemence," from animosus "bold, spirited," from animus "life, breath" (from PIE root *ane- "to breathe"). Sense of "active hostile feeling" is first recorded c. 1600, from a secondary sense in Latin.
ani·mos·ity / ˌænɪˈmɒsəti ; NAmE ˌænɪˈmɑːsəti / noun [uncountable ,  countable ] ( plural ani·mos·ities ) a strong feeling of opposition, anger or hatred 仇恨;愤怒;敌意;憎恶 SYN hostility animosity(toward(s) sb/sth) He felt no animosity towards his critics. 他对批评他的人并不心怀怨恨。 animosity(between A and B) personal animosities between members of the two groups 两个集团成员之间的私仇 animosity animosities ani·mos·ity / ˌænɪˈmɒsəti ; NAmE ˌænɪˈmɑːsəti /
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