and 英 [ənd]   美 [ənd, ən,ænd]


and  英 [ənd] 美 [ənd, ən,ænd]

conj. 和,与;然后 


Dad , mum and me . 爸爸,妈妈和我。
He saw you and me. 他看见你和我了。

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  • conj. 和,与;然后
  • 1. Dad , mum and me .


  • 2. He saw you and me.


  • 3. bread and butter


and / ənd ; NAmE ənd / / ən ; NAmE ən / / n ; NAmE n ; especially after /t /; /d /; / / strong form ænd strong form ænd / conjunction ( used to connect words or parts of sentences 用于连接单词或句中并列部份 ) 1 also; in addition to 和;与;同;又;而 bread and butter 涂黄油的面包 a table, two chairs and a desk 一张桌子、两把椅子和一张办公桌 Sue and I left early. 我和苏早离开了。 Do it slowly and carefully. 要慢慢仔细地做。 Can he read and write? 他能读会写吗? I cooked lunch. And I made a cake. (= you are emphasizing how much you have done) 我做了午饭,还做了一个蛋糕。 HELP  When andis used in common phrases connecting two things or people that are closely linked, the determiner is not usually repeated before the second: a knife and fork my father and mother, but: a knife and a spoon my father and my uncle. 如果 and 在一般短语中连接两个联系密切的人或事物,第二个单词前的限定词通常省略:a knife and fork、my father and mother,而 a knife and a spoon、my father and my uncle 则不省略。 2 added to 加;加上 SYN plus 5 and 5 makes 10. *5 加 5 等于 10。 What's 47 and 16? *47 加 16 得多少? HELP  When numbers (but not dates) are spoken, andis used between the hundreds and the figures that follow: 2 264—two thousand, two hundred andsixty-four, but: 1964—nineteen sixty-four. 口语中说数字时(日期除外),and 用于百位数与紧跟的数之间:2 264 说 two thousand, two hundred andsixty-four,但 1964 年只说 nineteen sixty-four。 3 then; following this 然后;接着 She came in and took her coat off. 她进来后脱了外衣。 4 go, come, try, stay, etc. ~ used before a verb instead of to,to show purpose (用于动词前代替 to,表示目的)…为了 Go and get me a pen please. 请你去给我拿支钢笔来。 I'll come and see you soon. 我很快就会来看你。 We stopped and bought some bread. 我们停下来买了一些面包。 HELP  In this structure trycan only be used in the infinitive or to tell somebody what to do. 在此结构中,try 只能用于不定式或祈使句。 5 used to introduce a comment or a question (引出说话或提问)那么,于是 ‘We talked for hours.’ ‘And what did you decide?’ “我们谈了好几小时。”“那么你们作出了什么决定?” 6 as a result (表示结果)结果是;那么;就 Miss another class and you'll fail. 你再缺一次课就会不及格。 7 used between repeated words to show that sth is repeated or continuing (连接相同的词,表示反复或连续)接连,又,愈来愈 He tried and tried but without success. 他反复尝试,但没有成功。 The pain got worse and worse. 疼痛越来越厉害了。 8 used between repeated words to show that there are important differences between things or people of the same kind. (连接相同的词,强调差别)与…不同,各有不同 I like city life but there are cities and cities. 我喜欢城市生活,但城市之间也有差异。 see also and/or and / ənd ; NAmE ənd /
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