amphibious 英 [æmˈfɪbiəs]   美 [æmˈfɪbiəs]


amphibious  英 [æmˈfɪbiəs] 美 [æmˈfɪbiəs]

adj. [生物] 两栖的,水陆两用的;具有双重性的 

After six decades as the globe’s uncontested amphibious leviathan, America is not ready to accept that this unique and useful capability will be shared. 六十年来,美国一直是世界上毫无争议的两栖霸主,到现在,它还没有准备好接受中国与其分享这一唯一而有效的军力。
When, in the early ages of the Earth, land and water had not yet distinctly separated, huge misshapen amphibious creatures walked the trunk-less forests growing on the oozing silt. 在大地的混沌时期,水陆还没有清楚地分开,体积巨大、奇形怪状的两栖动物,在从淤泥地里生长出来的、没有树身的森林中行走。

  • If you can drive your car down the highway and then go off road and ford a few rivers, too, you've got an amphibious vehicle — something that works on land and in the water, too.
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  • adj. [生物] 两栖的,水陆两用的;具有双重性的
  • 1. After six decades as the globe’s uncontested amphibious leviathan, America is not ready to accept that this unique and useful capability will be shared.


  • 2. When, in the early ages of the Earth, land and water had not yet distinctly separated, huge misshapen amphibious creatures walked the trunk-less forests growing on the oozing silt.


  • 3. However, there are amphibious penguins and seals and a rich marine life, ranging from the minute organisms called plankton to the biggest creature the world has ever known, the blue whale.


  • amphibious (adj.) 1640s, "combining two qualities; having two modes of life," especially "living both on land and in water," from Latinized form of Greek amphibios "having a double life; living on land and in water" (see amphibian (adj.)). Of motor vehicles, from 1915.
am·phibi·ous / æmˈfɪbiəs ; NAmE æmˈfɪbiəs / adjective 1 able to live both on land and in water (生物)水陆两栖的 2 (of military operations 军事行动 ) involving soldiers landing at a place from the sea 两栖作战的;登陆的 3 suitable for use on land or water 水陆两用的 amphibious vehicles 水陆两用车辆 am·phibi·ous / æmˈfɪbiəs ; NAmE æmˈfɪbiəs /
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