amiable 英 [ˈeɪmiəbl]   美 [ˈemiəbəl]


amiable  英 [ˈeɪmiəbl] 美 [ˈemiəbəl]

adj. 和蔼可亲的,亲切的 

The leader did the amiable. 那名领导人装出和蔼可亲的样子。
I couldn't have guessed then, drifting to sleep to the sound of their amiable chatter, that every last one of them was a terrorist. 在他们和蔼可亲的唠叨声中,我终于进入了梦乡。 当时的我怎么也不会想到——其实这些人都是恐怖分子。

  • A friendly, pleasant person could be described as amiable. Airline flight attendants tend to be amiable. The people monitoring the school's cafeteria? Maybe not.
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  • adj. 和蔼可亲的,亲切的
  • 1. The leader did the amiable.


  • 2. I couldn't have guessed then, drifting to sleep to the sound of their amiable chatter, that every last one of them was a terrorist.

    在他们和蔼可亲的唠叨声中,我终于进入了梦乡。 当时的我怎么也不会想到——其实这些人都是恐怖分子。

  • 3. Edward is very amiable, and I love him tenderly.


  • amiable (adj.) late 14c., "kindly, friendly," also "worthy of love or admiration," from Old French amiable "pleasant, kind; worthy to be loved" (12c.), from Late Latin amicabilis "friendly," from Latin amicus "friend, loved one," noun use of an adjective, "friendly, loving," from amare "to love" (see Amy).
ami·able / ˈeɪmiəbl ; NAmE ˈeɪmiəbl / adjective pleasant; friendly and easy to like 和蔼可亲的;亲切友好的 SYN agreeable an amiable tone of voice 亲切的声调 Her parents seemed very amiable. 她的父母好像很和蔼可亲。 ami·abil·ity / ˌeɪmiəˈbɪləti ; NAmE ˌeɪmiəˈbɪləti / noun [uncountable ] ami·ably / ˈeɪmiəbli ; NAmE ˈeɪmiəbli / adverb ‘That's fine,’ he replied amiably. “那很好。”他亲切友好地回答道。 ami·able / ˈeɪmiəbl ; NAmE ˈeɪmiəbl / ami·abil·ity / ˌeɪmiəˈbɪləti ; NAmE ˌeɪmiəˈbɪləti / ami·ably / ˈeɪmiəbli ; NAmE ˈeɪmiəbli /
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