alive 英 [əˈlaɪv]   美 [əˈlaɪv]


alive  英 [əˈlaɪv] 美 [əˈlaɪv]

adj. 活着的; 

Is your mother still alive? 你的母亲还健在吗?
We don't know whether he's alive or dead. 我们不知道他是死是活。

  • If you're alive, you're living — in other words, you're not dead. If your apple tree blooms in the spring, you'll know it's still alive after the long, cold winter.
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  • adj. 活着的;
  • 1. Is your mother still alive?


  • 2. We don't know whether he's alive or dead.


  • 3. Ed was alive with happiness.


  • 4. to keepa tradition alive


  • 5. The pool was alive with goldfish.


  • 6. The game came alive in the second half.


  • alive (adj.) c. 1200, "in life, living," contraction of Old English on life "in living, not dead," from a- (1) + dative of lif "life" (see life). The full form on live was still current 17c. Of abstract things (love, lawsuits, etc.) "in a state of operation, unextinguished," c. 1600. From 1709 as "active, lively;" 1732 as "attentive, open" (usually with to). Used emphatically, especially with man (n.); as in:
alive / əˈlaɪv ; NAmE əˈlaɪv / adjective [not before noun ] 1 living; not dead 活着;在世 We don't know whether he's alive or dead. 我们不知道他是死是活。 Is your mother still alive? 你的母亲还健在吗? Doctors keptthe baby alivefor six weeks. 医生使婴儿活了六周。 I was glad to hear you're alive and well. 听说你健在我很高兴。 She had to steal food just to stay alive. 她得偷食物才不至于饿死。 He was buried alivein the earthquake. 地震把他活埋了。 2 alive(with sth) full of emotion, excitement, activity, etc. 情绪饱满;激动兴奋;有生气;有活力 Ed was alive with happiness. 埃德高兴得眉飞色舞。 3 continuing to exist 继续存在 to keepa tradition alive 继承传统 4 alivewith sth full of living or moving things 充满(活的或动的东西) The pool was alive with goldfish. 池塘里满是游来游去的金鱼。 5 aliveto sth aware of sth; knowing sth exists and is important 意识到;认识到;注意到 to be alive to the dangers/facts/possibilities 意识到危险;认识到事实;注意到可能 IDIOMS aˌlive and ˈkicking very active, healthy or popular 充满活力;活蹦乱跳;生气勃勃;流行 bring sth aˈlive to make sth interesting 使有趣 The pictures bring the book alive. 图片使得这本书生动有趣。 come aˈlive 1 (of a subject or an event 主题或活动 ) to become interesting and exciting 引起兴趣;生动起来 SYN come to life The game came alive in the second half. 比赛在下半场变得有看头了。 2 (of a place 地方 ) to become busy and full of activity 热闹起来;活跃起来 SYN come to life The city starts to come alive after dark. 这座城市天黑以后便热闹起来。 3 (of a person ) to show interest in sth and become excited about it 兴致勃勃;有精神起来 She came alive as she talked about her job. 她一谈到她的工作精神就来了。 more at eat alive / əˈlaɪv ; NAmE əˈlaɪv /
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