against 英 [əˈgenst]   美 [əˈɡenst]


against  英 [əˈgenst] 美 [əˈɡenst]

prep. 针对,反对,违反;靠,倚;和…相比  adj. 不利的;对立的 

lean against a wall 靠在一面墙上
Are you for or against the plan? 你支持还是反对这项计划?

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  • prep. 针对,反对,违反;靠,倚;和…相比
  • adj. 不利的;对立的
  • 1. lean against a wall


  • 2. Are you for or against the plan?


  • 3. the fight against terrorism


  • 4. That's against the law.


  • 5. We were rowing against the current.


  • 6. She is against seeing him.


  • 7. The evidence is against him.


  • 8. Her age is against her.


  • 9. Put the piano there, against the wall.


  • 10. an injection against rabies


  • 11. They took precautions against fire.


  • 12. His red clothes stood out clearly against the snow.


  • 13. You must weigh the benefits against the cost.


  • against (prep.) 12c., agenes "in opposition to, adverse, hostile; in an opposite direction or position, in contact with, in front of, so as to meet," originally a southern variant of agan (prep.) "again" (see again), with adverbial genitive. The unetymological -t turned up mid-14c. and was standard by early 16c., perhaps from influence of superlatives (see amidst). Use as a conjunction, "against the time that," hence "before," is now archaic or obsolete.
against / əˈɡenst ; NAmE əˈɡenst / / əˈɡeɪnst ; NAmE əˈɡeɪnst / preposition HELP  For the special uses of againstin phrasal verbs, look at the entries for the verbs. For example count against sbis in the phrasal verb section at count. *against 在短语动词中的特殊用法见有关动词词条。如 count against sb 在词条 count 的短语动词部份。 1 opposing or disagreeing with sb/sth 反对;与…相反;逆;违反 the fight against terrorism 反对恐怖主义的斗争 We're playing against the league champions next week. 下周我们要和联赛冠军队比赛。 We were rowing against the current. 我们划船逆流而上。 That's against the law. 那是违法的。 She was forced to marry against her will. 她被迫违背自己的心愿嫁了人。 Are you for or against the death penalty? 你赞成还是反对死刑? She is against seeing (= does not want to see)him. 她不想见他。 I'd advise you against doing that. 我劝你别做那事。 2 not to the advantage or favour of sb/sth 对…不利 The evidence is against him. 证据对他不利。 Her age is against her. 她的年龄对她不利。 compare for prep.  (7 ) 3 close to, touching or hitting sb/sth 紧靠;倚;碰;撞 Put the piano there, against the wall. 把钢琴放在那儿,紧靠着墙。 The rain beat against the windows. 雨点击打着窗户。 4 in order to prevent sth from happening or to reduce the damage caused by sth 以防 an injection against rabies 狂犬病预防注射 They took precautions against fire. 他们采取了防火措施。 Are we insured against theft? 我们保了盗窃险没有? 5 with sth in the background, as a contrast 以…为背景;衬托 His red clothes stood out clearly against the snow. 他的红衣服在白雪中格外显眼。 ( figurative) The love story unfolds against a background of civil war. 这爱情故事以内战为背景展开。 6 used when you are comparing two things 和…相比 You must weigh the benefits against the cost. 你一定要权衡利益与成本二者的得失。 Check your receipts against the statement. 核对你的收据与结算单是否相符。 What's the rate of exchange against the dollar? 美元的兑换率是多少? IDIOMsee as conj. , stacked against / əˈɡenst ; NAmE əˈɡenst /
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