achieve 英 [əˈtʃi:v]   美 [əˈtʃiv]


achieve  英 [əˈtʃi:v] 美 [əˈtʃiv]

v. 取得;达成 

进行时:achieving  过去式:achieved  过去分词:achieved  第三人称单数:achieves 

He had finally achieved success. 他终于获得了成功。
I haven't achieved very much today. 我今天没做成多少事。

  • If you achieve something, you've reached a goal. Achievements aren't accidents. If you stumble upon a treasure chest, you haven't achieved something; however, achieving a promotion to become CEO is another story.
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  • v. 取得;达成
  • 1. He had finally achieved success.


  • 2. I haven't achieved very much today.


  • 3. All you've achieved is to upset my parents.


  • 4. Profits of $20m look achievable.

    *2 000 万元的利润看来是可以完成的。

  • achieve (v.) early 14c., "to perform, execute, accomplish;" late 14c., "gain as a result of effort," from Old French achever (12c.) "to finish, accomplish, complete," from phrase à chef (venir) "at an end, finished," or Vulgar Latin *accapare, from Late Latin ad caput (venire); both the French and Late Latin phrases meaning literally "to come to a head," from ad "to" (see ad-) + stem of Latin caput "head" (from PIE root *kaput- "head").
achieve AWL / əˈtʃiːv ; NAmE əˈtʃiːv / verb 1 [transitive ] achievesth to succeed in reaching a particular goal, status or standard, especially by making an effort for a long time (凭长期努力)达到(某目标、地位、标准) SYN attain He had finally achieved success. 他终于获得了成功。 They could not achieve their target of less than 3% inflation. 他们未能达到通货膨胀低于 3% 的目标。 2 [transitive ] achievesth to succeed in doing sth or causing sth to happen 完成 SYN accomplish I haven't achieved very much today. 我今天没做成多少事。 All you've achieved is to upset my parents. 你唯一做到的就是使我的父母难过。 3 [intransitive ] to be successful 成功 Their background gives them little chance of achieving at school. 他们的家庭背景使他们很难有机会在学校学有所成。 achiev·able AWL / əˈtʃiːvəbl ; NAmE əˈtʃiːvəbl / adjective Profits of $20m look achievable. *2 000 万元的利润看来是可以完成的。 achievable goals 可以达到的目标 OPP unachievable achieve achieves achieved achieving achieve / əˈtʃiːv ; NAmE əˈtʃiːv / achiev·able / əˈtʃiːvəbl ; NAmE əˈtʃiːvəbl /
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