Meals on Wheels  

Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels 

phrase. 上门送餐服务 

The ward is trying to keep tabs discreetly on seniors by monitoring their use of public services like health care and Meals on Wheels. 现在这个部门正试图通过监管那些老年人使用的公共服务项目如医疗服务和上门送餐服务等来谨慎地确认老年人信息。
One encounter with a pack, whose appearances suggested a wolf in their close family tree, had almost brought a new meaning to the phrase "Meals on Wheels". 罗马尼亚野狗成灾,有一次我遇到一群,看上去像极了它们的近亲狼,我几乎要成为成语“车轮上的肉”的新篇章。

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  • phrase. 上门送餐服务
  • 1. The ward is trying to keep tabs discreetly on seniors by monitoring their use of public services like health care and Meals on Wheels.


  • 2. One encounter with a pack, whose appearances suggested a wolf in their close family tree, had almost brought a new meaning to the phrase "Meals on Wheels".


  • 3. She explained that it was absolutely wonderful. The pillow he gave her was the most comfortable place that she had ever slept on, but even better than the pillow were the Meals on Wheels.


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